Arch City Chronicle Hot Off the Presses
The January 26-February 8, 2005 issue of the Arch City Chronicle is hitting newstands tonight. On the cover is a picture of me with my volunteer Michael Kime and former Presidential candidate Howard Dean. Mr. Dean was very supportive of my candidacy – he likes to see young progressives seek office.
On page 7 I’m pictured again – this time with 17th Ward Candidate Rodney Burchfield and political operative “Kenny Murdock”. Burchfield was great to talk to – I look forward to working with him on the Board of Aldermen.
Dave Drebes has a nice write up on me and my campaign on the same page. Drebes writes of me:
“He doesn’t like the St. Louis tradition of aldermen handpicking their successor, ward politics, or the practice of ‘aldermanic courtesy,’ where aldermen abstain from taking positions on issues located in any alderman’s ward but their own”
What I liked best were Drebes’ words on the editorial page in his column titled, “My Thoughts Exactly.”
“If the city dwellers who enthusiastically pounded the pavement and worked hard on the presidential, gubernatorial and congressional races, return to the streets again over the next two months and try to have an impact on the aldermanic races, there is opportunity to begin a transformation of the board of aldermen.”
Dave – I could not agree more! To volunteer on my campaign send me an email and I’ll put you to work.
– Steve
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