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Shopping without the Mall

January 25, 2005 Environment 4 Comments


When you need some new Levi’s where do you go? The Galleria? One of those stupid “Shopping Towns?” Not me.

If you want to take a trip back in time and support a local business then I suggest you head down Broadway to Kleb’s Clothing & Shoes, 8529 S. Broadway. Sorry, no web link. You can call them at (314) 638-9291.

It is nice to park on the street and walk into a corner store. No parking lot. No remembering I’m in section A4 between a mini van and an SUV. No walking past the really tempting pretzel stand.

Rick was able to help me select just the right Levi’s (we won’t discuss the size). The price was what I would have paid at the mall. They don’t stock all the various styles but they can order anything from the Levi’s catalog. They also have work clothing, shoes, painters pants/shorts.

So if you are tired of driving out to the mall take a stroll down Broadway.

– Steve


Currently there are "4 comments" on this Article:

  1. Brian says:

    It would be nice if one could find mom’n’pop alternatives within the City for any shopping inquiry, just as your one about jeans has. Metropolis had put together a very informal “Buy City” website, but the categories are very sparse and its format of e-mail clippings very sloppy. Maybe the thing should be put together by those with the right databases. I’m thinking Greg Daly’s office should have such a database. Just as there are BlackPages and PridePages, it would be nice to have a STLPages.

  2. Nate says:

    check out http://www.buildstlouis.org/. The site is under construction but looks promising.

  3. Jane says:

    Go here for your Levis. Period!!!


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