Save the Date – it is Time to Debate!
It looks as though various neighborhood leaders have managed to organize a debate between my opponent, Dorothy Kirner, and myself. The League of Women Voters will supply a moderator.
At this point the date is set for Tuesday March 1st – exactly one week prior to the March 8th primary. The time will be 7pm-9pm and location will most likely be the Gretchen Inn banquet facility on Meramec – adjacent to the related Feasting Fox.
Format and questions have not yet been determined at this point. I am open to any format the League of Women Voters determines is best for this race. Stayed tuned for more details as they become known.
– Steve
cool! Can’t wait!!!!
Let us know if questions and issues will be known beforehand. We also need to get as many people as possible at the debate to support Steve and ask Dorothy some tough questions!
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