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Wi-Fi Can Increase Productivity

December 29, 2006 Site Info 1 Comment

I’m sitting in the Phoenix airport waiting for my flight.  The airplane we are to use to St. Louis is in flight from LA but won’t arrive until after our scheduled departure time.  But, the free wi-fi (wireless internet) in the airport has allowed me to get caught up on some work -related emails and now make this post.

Wireless internet is one of the most business-friendly things an airport or downtown can do.  St. Louis still needs to look at blanket wi-fi in the downtown area as well as some way to get the entire city on the internet — with some sort of provision for low income
citizens.  OK, the flight just arrive.  Have a good weekend.


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  1. Brad Mello says:

    Arlington, VA where I live has wi-fi’d the area around it’s courthouse complex and it has gone over quite well. I’m not sure the cost to the county — but anyone with a lap top can tap into the internet for free when they are in range. I think it’s a great service and it’s cool to see folks hanging outside on a nice day, sitting on a bench and hacking away. Now if we can only get folks to start talking to each other for real again….


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