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Demolition Derby Spectators Hurt, Think Derby Should be Shut Down

September 17, 2007 Events/Meetings 6 Comments

Over the weekend four people watching a demolition derby at the Potosi fairgrounds were injured when one vehicle shoved another against the stands.  One spectator, who’s mother suffered a broken leg and cuts/scratches, thinks they should shut down the annual fundraising event.  The KSDK report indicates the event raises $5,000-$7,000 annually which clearly demonstrates a demand to watch people driving cars into each other on a muddy field.  This is not unlike the spectators that got injured by a monster truck event near Chicago last month (see related post).

Perhaps it is time people took up watching safer events like tennis or chili cook offs.  Even a hockey game seems relatively safer.  Just once I’d like to see a report about people watching an underground dog fight getting seriously injured or killed from the dogs turning on them.  They probably have more safety precautions for illegal dog fights than legal demo derbys and monster truck events.


Currently there are "6 comments" on this Article:

  1. LisaS says:

    oh please …. I get so tired of this sort of thing. Life is not safe, people! even less so if you choose to go to monster truck shows, demolition derbies, scuba dive, ride a scooter, walk in the parking lot at Loughborough Commons, or do anything besides sit on your behind watching TV!!!

    Steve, are you getting tired of being the serious voice of urban gloom & doom?

    [SLP — I feel that with well over 1,000 serious posts I can take a few moments to have some fun.  I’ll take exception of including “ride a scooter” along with attending demo derbies — a scooter is basic transportation for me, not entertainment.  But I do get your point — if you go out in the world it involves some risks.]

  2. Reginald Pennypacker III says:

    Tip: If you don’t want to have a car pushed on top of you, don’t sit in the front row.
    Darwin at work.

  3. Max... says:

    I used to work for Auto Race Promotions here in St. Louis. They put on (and might still) Demo Derbies all over the midwest. All I can say is that when I worked a summer for them back 20+ years ago I never saw anything where the audience would be in that kind of danger. It seems to me that someone was negligent in crowd control there in Potosi. I’d say it was an isolated incidence that you’ll rarely find if and when things are done right.


  4. Southside Tim says:

    I agree with LisaS, let the Hoosiers have their fun.

  5. wwspd says:

    Every time some one gets hurt, a legisvulture gets its wings.

  6. zack says:

    i think people know tha risk when they choose to go to places like that,so it’s there issue!!! i’ve drove derbies 4 2 years now, and i’ve been round’em since i was 2, and nuthin like that has happened so that means u suck @ investigating!!!!!!!!!


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