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UrbanReviewSTL Honored Twice This Week

September 25, 2008 Downtown 5 Comments

This week my blog received two honors.  First, the folks at Outside.In named UrbanReviewSTL the top blog for the St Louis area.  Check out their Blogiology 101: St Louis report.  Thank you!

And in this week’s RFT “Best Of” issue, UrbanReviewSTL was selected by the readers as the best blog.  This is the 3rd year in a row for that honor – thank you so very much!  Four years ago the editors named my blog the Best Civic Minded Blog.

The editors named one of my favorite blogs as the best blog, Angry Black Bitch.  I know Ms. Bitch and while she is black I don’t think she is all that angry or bitchy.  Except when writing, then it all comes pouring out.  Congrats Angry Black Bitch!

Thank you to all my readers, contributors of guest pieces and commenters.  Thank you to my friends for keeping the blog going following my February 1st stroke! – Steve


Currently there are "5 comments" on this Article:

  1. Jason says:

    Congrats Steve! This reinforces the fact that you can say “remember when…” and discuss your life as pre and post celebrity. Its hard to deny that you have reached this status in St. Louis and I hope you wield that power well. There are many influential people that read what you write- so influence them! I’ll have another helping of “what is good for St. Louis and its development” please.

    Again- congrats these are honors well earned.


  2. Shark-Fu says:

    Congrats and hugs to you – a job well done is worthy of notice!

  3. john says:

    Congrats and keep healthy.

  4. KBO says:

    I voted for you, Steve, but my heart also belongs to ABB, so I was happy to see two people who I read regularly get recognized. Well-deserved!

  5. SIG says:

    Congratulations again. I certainly enjoy reading it and I think your civic mind wanders from the white grouted uppity Kirkwood to the inside scoop on Hobo park – covering social, architecture, public, political and civic issues.

    And congratulations for continuing to essentially be you after your stroke.


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