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Neighborhood Residents Spiff Up Amberg Park

October 18, 2008 Downtown 4 Comments

Saturday morning residents of the Western portion of the Dutchtown neighborhood cleaned up their local park, Amberg Park. I stopped by to see how the project was going.

The park is located in the city’s 25th Ward where I ran (and lost 44.1% to 55.9%) for Alderman in 2005. Many of those working are regular readers of UrbanReviewSTL and a number said they voted for me. In the election I got more votes in the two precincts East of Grand where I lived but I lost the election West of Grand. Ancient history at this point.

Various ages & races came together Saturday morning to beautify their local park.
Various ages & races came together Saturday morning to beautify their local park
Sweeping all the sidewalks was among the tasks for the day.
Sweeping all the sidewalks was among the tasks for the day
This was a working fountain years ago. Now it is just a collection point for muck.
This was a working fountain years ago. Now it is just a collection point for muck
Another view of the non-working fountain surrounded by seating with a playground in the background.  Interesting that we can find money to install new playgrounds but not maintain existing infrastructure.  Back to work guys!
Another view of the non-working fountain surrounded by seating with a playground in the background. Interesting that we can find money to install new playgrounds but not maintain existing infrastructure. Back to work guys
Like the fountain this drinking fountain hasnt worked in years. We may have the best tasting municipal water in the country but users of Amberg Park cant get to it.
Like the fountain this drinking fountain hasn't worked in years. We may have the best tasting municipal water in the country but users of Amberg Park can't get to it.
Muck pulled from the non-working fountain was used to fill a low spot around a lamp post.
Muck pulled from the non-working fountain was used to fill a low spot around a lamp post
A resident hauls mulch across one of the two ballfields for other volunteers to place at the base of trees.
A resident hauls mulch across one of the two ballfields for other volunteers to place at the base of trees.
Residents plant Fall Mums donated by Angie Singer (right).
Residents plant Fall Mums donated by Angie Singler (right).
Richard H. Amberg Park was dedicated just over 40 years ago.
Richard H. Amberg Park was dedicated just over 40 years ago.
Amberg Park is surrounded by charming homes, two-family homes and apartment buildings such as the one across Gustine.
Amberg Park is surrounded by charming homes, two-family homes and apartment buildings such as the one across Gustine.
After a couple of hours of work they had a nice collection of trash.
After a couple of hours of work they had a nice collection of trash.

Like my own group downtown it is nice to see residents taking charge in their neighborhood. Some say they are just newcomers taking over an existing group while they say this group is new. Regardless of the origins, these are the people that are actively doing something positive in the community. You know the old saying, actions speak louder than words. On this day they spoke volumes through their hard work.


View all 35 of my pictures from this event here.


Currently there are "4 comments" on this Article:

  1. southsider says:

    Like all cities, St. Louis is a city of neighborhoods. It’s great to see people putting in a few hours to put a little shine on their’s. It should be in inspiration to others to do likewise. Remember the trouble makers are few and usually flee at the sight of organized “do gooders”.

  2. Kathy Hart says:

    When I drove by Amberg Park this afternoon it looked great! Thanks to all who helped with the clean-up and beautification. I’d like to offer a third perspective on who this group is: not “new comers taking over an existing group”, not a “new group”, rather new comers joining their energy and enthsiasm with the experience and perseverance of those of us who have been active in this neighborhood for many years. Let’s try to appreciate all of our talents and work together for the good of the neighborhood.

  3. Caron Arnold says:

    WOW! What a difference a little elbow grease makes! Congratulations, Sara & Ryan to help lead a team and spruce up the place.

  4. Brian S. says:

    Looks great!


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