What Is A Maverick?
We’re hearing the word Maverick a lot the election cycle. But what is a Maverick anyway?
A dictionary definition of maverick is:
mav·er·ick (m
k, m
n.1. An unbranded range animal, especially a calf that has become separated from its mother, traditionally considered the property of the first person who brands it.2. One that refuses to abide by the dictates of or resists adherence to a group; a dissenter.adj.Being independent in thought and action or exhibiting such independence: maverick politicians; a maverick decision.
[Possibly after Samuel Augustus Maverick (1803-1870), American cattleman who left the calves in his herd unbranded .]
Hmm, OK. We know that Palin likes to shoot unbranded animals.
The car guy in me cannot help but think of the Ford model every time I hear Tina Fey impersonating Palin and saying Mavericky.

Ford gave the Maverick an 8-year run, something I hope American voters do not give Palin.
After 8 years with Maverick, Ford dropped the name — they never used it again. It was supposed to be an economical car but it proved too heavy to live up to that promise. It also has serious rust issues.
When introduced many people fell for the Maverick but sales tapered off after after a strong initial showing. Buyers realized the competition was much more capable of meeting their needs.
Initially it was only available as a 2-door model but sticking to that formula limited the appeal to a broader base and a 4-door version was added later. The first few years the Maverick lacked a glove box.
The Ford Granada/Mercury Monarch (1975-82) was designed to replace the Maverick but they worked together on showroom floor for a few years. However, sales of the Maverick dropped after the Granada was introduced – it really wasn’t what buyers wanted.
The Maverick was built on a modified Ford Falcon platform dating to 1960. Thus it was the same old thing they had been selling but dressed up in a younger skin. It was outdated by the time it hit the showroom floors. The competition was entirely new & fresh making the Maverick look even more dated.
After 8 years Ford put an end to the Maverick.
If you could brand a Maverick and make them your own, what would the band stamp say? Would it be different for each Maverick? I might make mine like a Surgeon General warning label……….”listening to this Maverick may cause long lasting stupidity”.
A maverick can see Russia from its house.
I know the Ford Falcon, and that, sir, is no Ford Falcon!
I take a little pleasure in that contemporary cattle ranchers of the original Maverick believed he left his cattle unbranded so he could steal any new born calves that hadn’t been branded yet. That’s right the original maverick may have been a cattle thief.
…and may also have had a relationship with Charles Keating.
The NY Times published an interesting article on the word after the VP debates. According to this, McCain and Palin would not be mavericks (common or proper noun).
Sarah Palin is profoundly stupid, and I hate her.
Reaching a bit with this one…
Rather interestingly, the descendants of the original, historical Maverick have come out against John McCain. I’m not joking about this.