Males Dominate Readership

The reader survey is still open but I thought I’d share the results so far on one question: gender. As the pie chart to the right shows, nearly 75% of the respondents to the survey are male.
I’m kinda shocked by this. I was guessing maybe 60/40 but not 72/28. I know lots of women that are into urban issues. Is the material covered here just more appealing to men?
After the survey closes at the end of 2008 I’ll begin to prepare charts to show the answers on all questions, except the ones I’m tossing out such as sexual orientation, race & religion.
Happy New Year to my readers – male & female.
proof that men care more about their communities than women?
Proof that urban design is a male-dominated profession? Proof that the topics discussed here appeal more to males, as in we want to solve problems, not just emote?
Proof that women have more important things to do than take surveys?
Its also possible males are more likely to take the survey….
Way to go, Jim Zavist.
If I new how to make an emoticon of rolling eyes it would be here.
Jim, what do you mean by “just emote”?!
Yay Jen. Although, I took the survey…
It’s all said tongue-in-cheek . . . 😉
Thought so.
I wonder how many people have responded so far…
Proof that this poll is disciminatory and biased, as it does not factor in transgendered readership, or aliens, or the storied Potato People of Loflock…
…or Rod Blagojevich.
Jim, women all over the web are more likely to lurk than participate due to the very genderized crap you just threw out. If a signature is clearly female, non-anon and traceable to an email anywhere, the writer is pretty likely to get some nastiness sent her way — anything from the harmlessly condescending, such as your comment, to obscenity, anger, and threats. I’m a non-anonymous women with an email address and other contact info openly out there, and I can attest to the nastiness. Classic example… getting an email that describes a drive-by of my house and a description of my car. Next time you feel like taking a condescending swipe at women’s participation online, maybe think if that is really a continuum you want to be part of.
Please stop arguing. I’m emoting and it’s uncomfortable.
I love women. I love the passion.
You know though Steve, your survey may be skewed. I filled it out a few days back and hit continue or whatever the alternate tab was and it kicked the survey back to me since I forgot to check the “other” box when I filled out other on one of the questions. I looked at the rest of the survey again and it had me down as an African American, 30 to 35 years old. I am neither and didn’t enter information that way. I changed the entries back to how I had originally entered them and finished. So it may be whoever is doing the survey is giving you the results they think you want.
Maybe they think woman is not the correct answer for your advertisers.
I’m a girl, and I’m happy to say that I heart Urban Review. And Urban St. Louis. 🙂
I also agree with the poster who said that women online tend to get, er, messages from creeps. Even on respectable sites, sometimes guys get so excited to see that women actually exist online that they go a bit, er, nuts. Hence, the girly lurking. 🙂
But we read, and we occasionally comment, and we process, and we never, ever forget. 😉
Part of the beauty of the web is that gender is mostly irrelevant – it’s easy to be anonymous, if one chooses to be. While, based on names, I’m male and Barbabra on 19th is female, CarondoletNinja, for the purposes of this site, is androgynous. What Steve’s survey shows is a) it’s not a scientific, random survey – people choose to participate, or not, and b) more than liklely there MAY be more males as regular participants than females. This isn’t necessarily good or bad, it’s just fact. On sites like, there are probably a whole lot more women than men participating – again, it’s not good or bad, just fact. The real question remains why the women on this site are either missing or “choosing to lurk”?
And Barbara, if I believed that “genderized crap”, then yes, I’d be a Neanderthal. But since I don’t, it obviously boils down to (more than likely) very real differences in how the genders view humor. For males, the gentle insult is, in most cases, a sign of affection, not derision. I’m also sensitive to the fact that many females are more sensitive to both condescension and criticism, but I refuse to live in a totally PC world – we all sometimes take ourselves way too seriously. I’m old enough to remember the 60’s and the 70’s and the struggles women went through to be treated as equally as they are today, and it’s a very different world today. And emoting isn’t something that’s exclusively female, although they do get tagged with it a lot more than men – I’ve done my share here, as have other males. Bottom line, I apologize if I offended you, but the intent was one of humor, not control.
Women can read?
Just kidding. I think as the blog grows, your readersip will reflect the general population more.