Huge Increases In Traffic in 2008, More Expected in 2009
Traffic increased substantially in 2008. Not on the roads but here at
In 2005, my first full year, traffic was a few hundred thousand page views. In 2006 it reached 1.2 million pages. Incredible! For 2007 it shot up to 3.4 million page views. And 2008? An amazing 9.4 million page views!

I’m targeting 25 million page views for 2009. I’m also predicting/hoping more local businesses will see the value of advertising on local sites such as UrbanReviewSTL.
Thank you to everyone for reading UrbanReviewSTL. May you all have a spectacular 2009!  – Steve Patterson
Well “page view” are not “unique clicks” One person can generate say 5 page views from one visit. So page views are not the numbers you want to be using to gage traffic. Its the uniques you want to look at. So you can take your page view and divide it by 3 or 5 and thats a better figure to look at.
Still, that’s a huge increase. Keep up the good work, people will need it when the Post Disgrace goes down the tubes 😉
I have to say those are impressive numbers… wow
In addition, might it be the cutting insight of those who comment and the witty banter that takes place on a daily basis?
Great job Steve! I love the site and wish you success. Best of luck this upcoming year.
iTouch view looks good. FYI – I don’t see any adds w/ this view.
You get what you deserve – keep it interesting, keep it current and keep it civil, and it gets very addictive!
Wow, that’s really impressive!
Your numbers are way up because your content is interesting, informative and well written. You present a very balanced view of the City of St. Louis and I appreciate it very much.