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Join Me for a Screening of The Accidental Advocate

January 13, 2009 Downtown 2 Comments

Join me at 7pm Wednesday at the Tivoli Theater for a special screening of The Accidental Advocate:


Tickets are $10.50.  This looks to be a touching perspective on the political hot potato of embryonic stem cell research.


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  1. Leigh says:

    As someone who was a full time caretaker for a couple years to someone that had Alzheimers and Parkinsons, I was frequently shocked at the lengths people would go to in order to convince me to prolong a miserable existance instead of enriching the life he had left. My grandfather refused to eat and forcibly fought his hospital caretakers so he wouldn’t have to. He ate for me, but sometimes I think only out of pity…like he didn’t want to hurt my feelings. When we were faced with having to insert a feeding tube people thought his right to life meant to forcing him to live it. In the end my mother made a tough decision to insert the tube; I disagreed. Growing up Southern Baptist there was not a question to whether or not to preserve life…any life. However, sometimes the preservation of life means forcing another to live in hell. As an adult, I support stem cell research, as well as someone’s right to choose.

    We lost him this year 2 weeks before Christmas.I wish we could have enriched his life with a cure, instead of watching a slow death. I will be there Steve.

  2. john w. says:

    Excellent film, and the panel discussion following was fascinating. Thanks for the announcement.


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