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Remember the All-Star Game?

February 27, 2010 Downtown 6 Comments
ABOVE: All-Star Arch at Washington & Tucker on 2/
ABOVE: All-Star Arch at Washington & Tucker on 2/23/2010

July 2009 was a great month to be in St. Louis.  Among the many events was baseball’s annual All-Star game.  I wasn’t able to attend the game but I enjoyed festivities the day before.

July 13, 2009
July 13, 2009

Despite the good times had by all I was disturbed to see one of the promotional Arches hanging out on the corner of Washington & Tucker earlier this month — nine months later.

“The project is dubbed “Arches on Parade,” and it’s a nod to baseball’s All-Star game in St. Louis on July 14. The arches will be sold later to benefit the Sports Commission’s Charitable Sports Foundation.” (Arches on Parade Around St. Louis)

I went to the St. Louis Sports Commission website to find out more information but I found nothing.  As we have a tendency to relate everything back to the 1904 World’s Fair I’m concerned this Arch may overstay it’s welcome.

– Steve Patterson


Currently there are "6 comments" on this Article:

  1. JZ71 says:

    As long as they're maintained, I have no problem with a few relics from any major special event. Vibrant cities are neither static nor museums to any particular/arbitrary point in time.

  2. I was told they were trying to sell them for something like 10K.

    St. Charles should purchase them for their new Art Museum.

  3. jason says:

    when St. Louis becomes a 1st class city, promotional items such as this will be in heavy competition with one another for resources….there's no way this arch would have been allowed to stay over 6 months, as something else should have already occurred that is as important as the All-Star Game and needing to occupy that same space.

    this should serve as a reminder that we're not there yet…we have a ways to go before becoming a 1st class place.

  4. Archie says:

    I'm not entirely sure of any reasoning, but that's not the only one left in public. Kiener Plaza still has one as well. That one at least makes more sense since it's so close to Busch. As for the Washington one…who knows, maybe a bar owner bought it and kept it there. I would hope it wasn't due to pure laziness.


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