President Casino license to proposed gaming facility along the River Des Peres?

Pinnacle recently agreed to close the President Casino on the St. Louis riverfront and local officials are scrambling to keep the license within the City of St. Louis.
“On Thursday, the Missouri Gaming Commission staff announced it wants to hear by May 1 from casino companies and political jurisdictions interested in the license, which will become available this summer when Pinnacle Entertainment plans to shut down the President Casino downtown.” (St. Louis pursues casino license)
Last month Pinnacle’s River City Casino opened in South County where the River Des Peres meets the Mississippi River so others are now looking up the River Des Peres for a new casino site. I’ve got word that today, April 1, a casino operator will announce plans for a casino complex near Gravois & the River Des Peres.

Do we have any casinos remaining that are located in actual boats?
– Steve Patterson
Good one. Happy April Fool's, Steve.
april fools joke?
Does this mean the River Des Peres Yacht Club can get a permanent home?
Alton Belle.
But seriously, I'd vote for one immediately south of the arch or one near the chain-of-rocks bridge.
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