Readers support removing the homeless to replace failing tunnel

In a pretty decisive vote in the poll last week readers made it clear the homeless living in the old Tucker tunnel had to be displaced so the failing structure could be replaced:
Q: St. Louis displaced the homeless living under the Tucker bridge, your thoughts? Pick only one:
- The homeless had to go so Tucker can be replaced. 96 [45.71%]
- Larry Rice used the issue just to raise a stink. 68 [32.38%]
- The homeless had to go, but the city could have been more sensitive to their needs. 25 [11.9%]
- Other answer… 8 [3.81%]
- Unsure/no opinion 6 [2.86%]
- Larry Rice was the only person to stand up for the rights of the homeless. 5 [2.38%]
- The city shouldn’t replace Tucker so the homeless can stay in place. 2 0.95%
More thought Larry Rice was just using the issue than genuine concern for the homeless. Two people actually voted to not replace the bridge so the homeless can keep living under the roadway as it collapses!
Here are the “other” answers:
- Move them if need be, then allow them to move back when construction is complete
- Larry Rice put these tunnel dwellers in the tunnel to gain publicity/donations.
- Rice takes advantage of the homeless. They had no rights to the property.
- The city should find a place for these people to live.
- Bill Siedoff is doing a great job. He is very caring
- tunnel is unique, should save for future reuse
- get a job
- Homeless had to go. Period.
– Steve Patterson
Removal of the Homeless from the tunnel, as well as the way it was handled made perfect sense! Mr Siedhoff's goal, as always, has been to provide permanent housing for these folks, so as to satisfy the needs of all involved, by mantaining safety, resolving health concerns, as well as maintaning the beauty of the region.
It's a shame that some individuals exploit the situaton causng contgroversy and discord. If Larry Rice chose to work in cooperaton with the city, greater strides could be made with far less drama. Bll Siedhoff has been working tirelessly ever since he took office toward the goal of ending homelessness. Any other approach seems only to perpetuate it!
this clearly had to be done, but having known about the “bat cave” aka “hopeville” for several years, and even visiting a few guys living down there….i feel like we are losing a little piece of history. if you never made it back into the tunnel, it was pretty cool.
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