Public needed to replace 1+ mile of highway with boulevard

Based on past posts I know that many readers here support the efforts of City to River to replace I-70 from the PSB (Poplar Street Bridge) to Cass Ave with a pedestrian-friendly boulevard. It can’t be done until the new Mississippi River bridge opens in 2014. In terms of infrastructure planning that is just around the corner.
Last week City to River posted What City to River is Doing and What YOU Can Do to Help on their blog. The post outlines the steps the public can do to push this idea forward.
- Contact Mayor Francis Slay, Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Superintendent Tom Bradley, and our downtown Aldermen to express your support for the removal of I-70 (contact info below).
- Spread the word to family, friends, colleagues. Ask them to follow @CitytoRiver on Twitter and become a fan on Facebook: Send an e-mail to your contact list with a link to, ask them to send the link to others.
- If you have contact with downtown developers, businesses, or property owners, tell them about City to River and the boulevard idea. If they would like to learn more, connect us with them and we will provide them with information about the effort and how they can help.
The post includes the contact info for various persons you can contact. I can’t think of anything more positive that St. Louis could do than to replace the highway barrier with a boulevard. Please tell everyone you know. Post it on Facebook, Tweet about it, talk to anyone that will listen.
– Steve Patterson
Contacting the named politicians is a good start. Add to that list the Governor, congressmen, senators, the head of MODOT, Pinnacle Entertainment (Lumiere Place), and whoever owns the Rams at the moment. Those are all individuals with the ability to make or brake this project as well.
Elliot Liebson
St. Louis
City to River has been talking with property owners along the entire stretch from the PSB to Cass. Contact has been made with higher level elected officials as well. Basically we need everyone to talk up the idea to everyone they know and every elected official that represents them.
While I am a county resident, nothing would please me more than to see the abomination that is the I-70 slash through downtown removed. I have long wondered how we can call ourselves the “River City” when quite literally you can't get there from here. I fear that if we don't erase this mistake now, we may never have the chance again. At least not within my lifetime. I will be contacting the authorities listed with my thoughts.
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