Readers: Use Cards To Educate Rather Than Shame

The poll last week got lots of diverse responses but the biggest group thinks I should use a bit of guilt (“I’m disabled…”) but should otherwise educate those who park in disabled spaces, block crosswalks, etc:
Q:Â How should I phrase cards to leave on cars blocking disabled parking spaces, pedestrian crosswalks, curb ramps, etc?
- I’m disabled, how you’ve parked can make things difficult for me and others. 74 [43.53%]
- I’m disabled, I don’t like how you’ve parked, the authorities have been notified, pic posted on Twitter & Facebook 36 [21.18%]
- Don’t leave anything, just let it go 14 [8.24%]
- Other answer… 13 [7.65%]
- Forget a card, key their car 11 [6.47%]
- I’m disabled, I don’t like how you’ve parked, the authorities have been notified 10 [5.88%]
- You insensitive jerk, I hope you end up disabled like me someday 7 [4.12%]
- Unsure/no opinion 3 [1.76%]
- I’m disabled, I don’t like how you’ve parked 2 [1.18%]
All of the answers I provided in the poll were things I thought at times I encounter a poorly parked car. Â I’d never damage anyone else’s property but for a brief moment just the thought of keying an offending car brings satisfaction. Â Mostly I do nothing other than take a picture but I want to have a pre-written card with me to cover those times I don’t want to let it go.
The 13 other answers were:
- attach a chain to the axle “American Graffiti” style
- Choice 4 with the Facebook and Twitter part added.
- kiss or kill me. you pick.
- Collective Action: No
- I like the car you’ve got – but recommend posting it with tenacious adhesive
- I’m disabled, how you’ve parked can make things difficult for me and o Monday,
- If you have the balls to leave a card, you better put your conact info on it too
- Grow up
- move your piece of crap
- the first option with an image of you in your wheel chair giving them the finger
- just call the cops, be(come) the squeaky wheel
- Good idea, but it also sounds really whiny.
- I would print out the MO code for this and leave it on their car

The following are just some of the other examples where a card would have been nice to leave behind:
I’ll be ordering the revised card soon so I will have them with me when I run into more examples.
– Steve Patterson
I apologize for coming into this conversation so late. But none of the notes above would make me blink if I got it on my car. So I thought I'd throw out one more idea. Maybe someone can tweek it to make it perfect. I think your message should figuratively slap them in the face and call them a bad name without ever saying it. I think a little guilt goes a long way to achieve that end. Here is what would make me feel bad if I got it on my car.
“While you were away(out), I, a disabled person, was unable to use the ramp you blocked. Remember that you are not the only one that has to move around on these roads. However, you ARE the only one that can stop me from getting to my destination.”
I think most people don't mean to do it, but they need a reminder.
These are my thoughts. Sorry again for coming late to the party. Hopefully it is a new and in good idea to you.
I've updated this post with a link to the original post. The comments ranged widely. The cards need to work for a variety of situations so they can't be too specific.
i like the revised card, steve. also, i think “loading zone” should be pluralized to “loading zones”… yes? no?
I guess the people that say “let it go, don't do anything” have never had a family member or someone close that has a hard time getting around town. I wonder how people that block handicap parking spaces and ramps would feel if they saw someone give their elderly grandmother a shove while walking down a flight of steps.
I voted for the Educate Rather Than Shame choice and I'm glad to see that's how it turned out.
Not to be too melodramatic, but I read a quote that makes a lot of sense in regard to your card idea: “The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on.”