Downtown Trolley Popular With Visitors
The #99 Downtown Trolley is proving popular with visitors to St. Louis.

I have no numbers, only my frequent observations of the ridership. Â Locals are riding as well.

The wrap on the bus, the well marked route and the $2 all day fee seem to be doing the trick to get visitors to explore more of downtown. Â The region benefits as well as others also take MetroLink to other parts of our area.
– Steve Patterson
I like this “trolley;” none of the hassle with having to yield to a trolley and none of the expense when something goes wrong with a utility beneath the tracks.
Off Topic: Steve, you should return to the Loughborough Commons… they've placed new sidewalk immediate to the parking lot around the new bank! Now it needs to go to the Burger King…
The other thing about busses is their flexibility…rather than having the entire environment react to rail line locations and stops, the busses can go to where is appropriate in the environment…
Any idea what is played on the muzak? It would be nice to have some GOOD informational and advertising tracks running while visitors ride…