Car Blocked Hydrant On 9th At Olive
Recently I posted about an illegally parked city vehicle (City Employee Parks City Vehicle Next To Fire Hydrant) but many of you felt it was a non-issue. Â The car wasn’t that close to the hydrant and the curb wasn’t painted yellow. Â The other night I saw a clear example.

No question this car is blocking the fire hydrant. But no, the red Mazda RX8 isn’t a city-owned vehicle. Â This illegally parked car belongs to an on-duty police officer!

Yes, I called the police non-emergency number to report the vehicle. I also reported this to Charles Bryson, Director of Public Safety. I doubt the officer got a ticket.
– Steve Patterson
One of my biggest complaints regarding the city is traffic enforcement. I have lost count of the violations that occur in plain view of an officer and EVERY SINGLE TIME, they ignore the violation. As an example, last week I witnessed someone blatantly tailgating an officer east on Meremac; when the officer got to Grand, he pulled into the parking lot at the SW corner and I thought he'd nick them right there… nope, he just let them continue south Grand. I routinely drive South Broadway and the amount of slow traffic/overloaded vehicles is appalling; just ONCE, I'd like to see someone pulled for impeding traffic. Don't even get me started on the “scrappers” and their dilapidated vehicles.
It is a theory of mine that enforcing traffic would reduce the more heinous crimes. Maybe if the crims had the notion that they could be pulled for acting suspiciously, they'd, at least, think twice before they broke the law. Even though there is a relatively large police presence, it doesn't do any good if they don't stop anyone… complacency, in this instance, doesn't work.
I'll stop now as my city vehicle is parked in a bus stop… What are they going to do, tow it?
Problem solved:…
But seriously, unless this was official business, this officer should be disciplined.
Wow, firefighters Do actually do that, apparently.
BTW, while I'm sure there's a technical reason for it (an older sytem?), it does seem like St Louis does have a LOT of fire hydrants, including many intersections with ones on two or three corners. My favorite one is the one in the median of McCausland Avenue at Southwest Avenue, next to the NB left turn lane . . . in case there's a car fire ?!
that's my car asshole. And it was offical business. Look across the street and you'll see a police station. After you called the police did you notice the car was moved. I'll remeber you Steve Patterson.
did you also notice the WE car parked illegally behind the mazda, and not in it's designated spot because another car was parked illegally in that spot. Of course that mazda could park free at a meter and take up a valuable parking space for Joe Schmo, but they chose not too. There is not enough parking in that area for the police, and I don't have a problem with them parking that way. Beside occasionally the meter maids do them tickets. Everyone else parks illegally stop singling out the police.
This would be more convincing if it wasn't from the same IP address as the prior comment.
I will continue to call out the police until they perform their job properly. Why am I taking furloughs while you don't? I outrank you. Why am I taking furloughs while YOU don't? [I know it's the UNIONS and their influence with the Board of Alderclowns.] The police enforcement in the City is rubbish. City police are more interested in milking it than they are law enforcement. Cue POLITICS whenever you see fit. You parked your oil burning Wankel torque-less wonder in an obvious no parking spot; City code explicitly specifies that you (as a civilian/normal citizen/taxpayer) is responsible for your own personal vehicle; in this instance, you cannot claim that reporting to work warrants that you can park where ever you want. Steve caught you and you're retaliating like a little girl. Pull this shit with me and we're going to court: the lowest ranking person that will be subpoenaed will be Chief Isom…
Pull what with you?!? you can't take anyone to court for a parking violation, moron. Maybe you should complain to the mayor about furloughs. None of this city's blunders had anything to do with me. You don't outrank me either, so direct your crusade to city hall, not me or the department.
Hey, Supreme Leader, you gotta follow the law if you want any respect while enforcing it.
Hey, Supreme Citizen, have you ever parked illegally at least once in you life. Of course you have, everyone has. You're all hipocrites.
That makes absolutely no sense.
Aah, Ye Olde Slippery Slope there you're walkin' on there, boy-o. If your so sanguine-nay, defensive–about this, in what other situations will you give yourself a pass? Perhaps you should have a fresh cup of coffee and ponder that one awhile. Cheers.
Hey, douchebag, who the F do you think you are? You are a public servant, and if you're too lazy or too ignorant to follow the same rules as those whom you serve, then GTFO! You were illegally parked, Officer Asshat, and thus–read this slowly, so it will sink in–you were in violation of the law. The very same laws we are ALL–including you–required to obey. I don't know if you've noticed, but there is a Nationwide epidemic of corporate and political corruption, and you made it worse by thinking that you were better or different than those who pay your ass to obey the f***ing law. Yeah, so you moved it. Whaddya want, a medal?
Until now I thought I'd stay out of this argument because it really is silly. I mean how often does a police officer park his/her personal car in front of a fire hydrant? I'm sure everyone has their anecdotes, but does that really indicate a trend? Are St. Louis Police Officers scofflaws or are they like everyone else. I agree that the officer should not have parked in front of a hydrant, but to vilify him/her without knowing his or her character seems ridiculous. This past summer KSDK did a story about how police park illegally around the police station downtown. I personally have seen news trucks parked on sidewalks around city hall which I'm sure is illegal- so much for journalistic integrity. It seems this city likes to beat up on its police so much so that I'm not sure why anyone would want the job.