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Look, Pedestrians!

December 2, 2010 Downtown, Site Info 5 Comments

Lately readers have commented they never see pedestrians in my photos.

ABOVE: Two men cross Washington Ave at Tucker (12th)

My photo library contains just over 46,000 images — few with people.  In St. Louis there are quite a few pedestrians but they pass as quickly as they appear so you are more likely not to get pedestrians in pictures.  In NYC, on the other hand, it is nearly impossible to take a pic without people.

ABOVE: midtown Manhattan in October 2001

No matter when you press the shutter there will be people in your photo.  I’m going to try to get pictures that are more representative of our pedestrian traffic.

– Steve Patterson


Currently there are "5 comments" on this Article:

  1. Adam says:

    Sadly, it seems that your picture of the two men crossing Washington is pretty representative of our pedestrian traffic…

  2. Jeff says:

    Pedestrian traffic here usually has to do with time and place, For example with the addition of citygarden, pedestrian traffic along market and chestnut in that vicinity is almost constant, at least during summer. Washington Avenue will be slow during the day, but will come alive at night. Like most all the good things in the city, it's there, you just have to know how to look. Our urban fabric is so patchy that it's tough to convince the average midwesterner to walk the extra few blocks or break out the bike, although great strides are underway to make that more a reality. It puts a big smile on my face to go downtown and see how pedestrian traffic has become much improved since the 90's and early 00's. It's nice to see people out and about.


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