Bollards Reconfigured At America’s Center To Create Protected Pedestrian Zone

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I’ve done numerous posts about the sidewalk along Washington Ave in front of America’s Center (St. Louis’ convention center), in January 2007 the pedestrian experience was bleak (Taxi Cabs Block Sidewalk at Convention Center, Exit Via Crosswalk).  By May 2007 bollards were installed to prevent cabs from exiting at the crosswalks, but they were still on the sidewalk space (Taxis Still Blocking Pedestrian Sidewalk at St. Louis’ Convention Center)  It took me until December 2010 to get the cabs relocated onto 8th Street so the sidewalk was free for pedestrians (Sidewalk In Front Of Convention Center Now Just For Pedestrians).
Last week the bollards were relocated to clearly separate the circle drive from the pedestrian space.

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The lesson for me is to get to the person in charge.  I was only after I left my card for Kitty Ratcliffe, president of the St. Louis Convention & Visitor’s Commission, that change happened. Once I was able to explain the situation directly to her she began having meetings to get the cabs relocated.  After that was done she hired a form to redesign the bollard locations so the pedestrians would be protected from vehicles in the circle drive. I picked up a copy of the bollard plan the week prior to the work being done just in case I saw something that might need correcting. But the plan was great.
– Steve Patterson
Congrats Steve. If everyone did things like this we could fix many issues one sidewalk at a time. I’ve worked with Kitty on several different occasions, she’s a great lady who works very hard for the metro area.
Congrats Steve. If everyone did things like this we could fix many issues one sidewalk at a time. I’ve worked with Kitty on several different occasions, she’s a great lady who works very hard for the metro area.
I’ve nothing but respect for your patience, Steve. I was bugged by the same problem many times but did nothing except bitch at a few cab drivers when they were rude and didnt respect people walking. But it seems like something is missing from the story. What made the change so apparently easy after years of hostility and animosity over fixing something so relatively simple? Apparently the CVC thought they were fixing the problem before by bollarding the curb cut. What made them see the light? What baffles is that this person could be so unaware of a problem literally right outside their front door. Good leadership must have some idea what is going on outside the ivory tower, a good start would be going outside to look around from a human perspective, talking to people, reading a few blogs. Waiting for you to show up with your card shouldnt be good enough, but at least they were good enough to hear you out.
I’ve nothing but respect for your patience, Steve. I was bugged by the same problem many times but did nothing except bitch at a few cab drivers when they were rude and didnt respect people walking. But it seems like something is missing from the story. What made the change so apparently easy after years of hostility and animosity over fixing something so relatively simple? Apparently the CVC thought they were fixing the problem before by bollarding the curb cut. What made them see the light? What baffles is that this person could be so unaware of a problem literally right outside their front door. Good leadership must have some idea what is going on outside the ivory tower, a good start would be going outside to look around from a human perspective, talking to people, reading a few blogs. Waiting for you to show up with your card shouldnt be good enough, but at least they were good enough to hear you out.
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I can’t view the pictures.
I viewed the site through both Firefox and Internet Explorer and your photos are not working.
I viewed the site through both Firefox and Internet Explorer and your photos are not working.
Yes, I don’t see why they aren’t working.
Yes, I don’t see why they aren’t working.