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Two Great Years of Citygarden

June 30, 2011 Downtown, History/Preservation, Parks 13 Comments
ABOVE: Citygarden at night

It was two years ago today that Citygarden opened in downtown St. Louis. The two-block sculpture garden leaves a positive impression on all who visit.

ABOVE: Citygarden made the cover of Landscape Architecture in April 2010

The space has won numerous awards and graced the pages of many publications.  The critics all seem to love Citygarden!

ABOVE: A friend's grandsons love ringing the bells at Citygarden

And the critics that really matter, the kids, love the space just like us adults do.

ABOVE: Flowers, such as these Siberian Iris, feel right at home among sculptures from renowned artists.

I love Citygarden, but it’s not perfect.  Yesterday I filed an ADA grievance with the city’s Office on the Disabled against the City of St. Louis for accepting the curb ramp at 10th & Chestnut.  It doesn’t even come close to meeting ADA design guidelines — it should have been replaced by the general contractor by now.  I also don’t like 9th Street being closed to vehicles but that will take more work to convince the powers that be that we can’t keep effing with our street grid.

– Steve Patterson


Currently there are "13 comments" on this Article:

  1. Anonymous says:

    Glad to see that you filed a complaint.  Laws without enforcement are worthless, and the ADA, by design, relies on complaints for enforcement.  Until owners are held responsible for the actions of their contractors and consultants, inappropriate and illegal construction will only continue.

  2. JZ71 says:

    Glad to see that you filed a complaint.  Laws without enforcement are worthless, and the ADA, by design, relies on complaints for enforcement.  Until owners are held responsible for the actions of their contractors and consultants, inappropriate and illegal construction will only continue.

  3. Tpekren says:

    Now the tough part,  what to do with the rest of the mall starting with the part of the Gateway Mall between Peabody/One Center and the Muni Court building!! 

    Personally, would love to see the current sculpture moved and that part of the mall turned over to the Botanical garden.  I think it would be impressive to have some greenhouses/or maybe year round rose houses or maybe working urban garden plots to compliment the Citygarden theme

  4. Tpekren says:

    Now the tough part,  what to do with the rest of the mall starting with the part of the Gateway Mall between Peabody/One Center and the Muni Court building!! 

    Personally, would love to see the current sculpture moved and that part of the mall turned over to the Botanical garden.  I think it would be impressive to have some greenhouses/or maybe year round rose houses or maybe working urban garden plots to compliment the Citygarden theme

  5. Mark says:

    I’m sorry, but why in the world would anyone want to reopen 9th street and put the kids and everyone else who walks between the blocks in danger?  That just makes no sense at all.  Is it really that hard to go a block out of your way?

  6. Mark says:

    I’m sorry, but why in the world would anyone want to reopen 9th street and put the kids and everyone else who walks between the blocks in danger?  That just makes no sense at all.  Is it really that hard to go a block out of your way?

    • One-way couplets only work if they remain open. Ninth is one-way northbound, eighth & tenth are one-way southbound. Closing just one block of ninth messes up the whole system. The city either needs to open ninth or change the streets to two-way, or both.

      • Mark says:

        I understand what you are saying, but when was the last time that traffic was heavy in downtown STL that it took more than 3-5 minutes to drive a block further?  Seriously…with the exception of game nights/days, there is no traffic downtown.  Why would you want to ruin two nice blocks which flow so nicely downtown by opening them up to traffic?  Especially where there is really no need.  I say all of this as someone who DOES have to drive out of my way to get to work every day.  I think it’s a VERY small sacrifice to pay for the safety and enjoyment of all.

    • JZ71 says:

      Is it that hard just to cross at the corner, using the crosswalk?!

  7. One-way couplets only work if they remain open. Ninth is one-way northbound, eighth & tenth are one-way southbound. Closing just one block of ninth messes up the whole system. The city either needs to open ninth or change the streets to two-way, or both.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Is it that hard just to cross at the corner, using the crosswalk?!

  9. Mark says:

    I understand what you are saying, but when was the last time that traffic was heavy in downtown STL that it took more than 3-5 minutes to drive a block further?  Seriously…with the exception of game nights/days, there is no traffic downtown.  Why would you want to ruin two nice blocks which flow so nicely downtown by opening them up to traffic?  Especially where there is really no need.  I say all of this as someone who DOES have to drive out of my way to get to work every day.  I think it’s a VERY small sacrifice to pay for the safety and enjoyment of all.

  10. Mark says:

    I understand what you are saying, but when was the last time that traffic was heavy in downtown STL that it took more than 3-5 minutes to drive a block further?  Seriously…with the exception of game nights/days, there is no traffic downtown.  Why would you want to ruin two nice blocks which flow so nicely downtown by opening them up to traffic?  Especially where there is really no need.  I say all of this as someone who DOES have to drive out of my way to get to work every day.  I think it’s a VERY small sacrifice to pay for the safety and enjoyment of all.


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