Outdated Info At MetroBus Shelter
One thing my friends and I want to accomplish with the Transit Riders Union of St. Louis is to get Metro to keep information provided to bus riders updated at least as well as info for MetroLink light rail riders, we’ve all noticed a separate and unequal treatment.

Another friend, a regular MetroBus user, posted the above pic on Facebook Tuesday and I asked if I could use it. He called Metro to report the information was way out of date.

Really? Information from five years ago still up at a bus shelter!

The current fare is $2.00 so there has only been one fare increase since August 2006. It’s possible my friend just happened upon the only shelter that didn’t get updated but it’s also possible others are also outdated. I know I’m going to pay more attention to the information at shelters. Hat tip to S.A. for noticing!
– Steve Patterson
This situation is a direct reflection on how most metro area residents feel about public transit….a disinterested afterthought.
This situation is a direct reflection on how most metro area residents feel about public transit….a disinterested afterthought.
I think it’s great. It’s called “crowdsourcing” and the more people who are paying attention and correcting mistakes, the better Metro will have to become at catching these things before they become a problem. Keep on crowdsourcing!
I think it’s great. It’s called “crowdsourcing” and the more people who are paying attention and correcting mistakes, the better Metro will have to become at catching these things before they become a problem. Keep on crowdsourcing!
Good article.
Good article.
just more of metro not paying attention they don’t fix bus stop signs too well either.
just more of metro not paying attention they don’t fix bus stop signs too well either.
Metro has two classes of service. This is a problem that needs to change. Â
That shelter is lucky to have at least an outdated fare. Â Did it have a schedule from 2006 as well? Â
Metro has two classes of service. This is a problem that needs to change.
That shelter is lucky to have at least an outdated fare. Did it have a schedule from 2006 as well?
what’s the surprise here?
what’s the surprise here?