Patronize Local Stores on Black Friday if You’re Shopping
The great thing about  not having any money is I have no need to subject myself to the crowds of people trying to get a cheap flat-screen television at midnight.

But part of me is tempted to take transit to places the The Galleria Mall just to see the vast areas of surface parking on the only day of the year that much parked is needed.
If I were shopping it wouldn’t be at a generic mall. I’d be at a locally owned store so my money would stay in the community. What are your thoughts on Black Friday & Cyber Monday?
-Steve Patterson
Dec. 24th is a much better day for seeing that parking filled.
Dec. 24th is a much better day for seeing that parking filled. is tomorrow. Why not have it both ways – let the big boys have Black Friday and I’ll just spend my money locally, when the craziness dies down . . . . is tomorrow. Why not have it both ways – let the big boys have Black Friday and I’ll just spend my money locally, when the craziness dies down . . . .
Skip them both. I don’t need anything badly enough to deal with that craziness.
Skip them both. I don’t need anything badly enough to deal with that craziness.