Update: Park Ave Sidewalk Now Passable
In March I blogged about an ADA issue I spotted from a MetroBus (see: New Driveway Makes Sidewalk Non-ADA Compliant (Updated)). Curbs for the driveway prevented passage in a wheelchair.

The update to that post was this:
This will get fixed as part of a project titled 8496 BROADWAY & 7TH STREET IMPROVEMENTS (PARK AVENUE TO I-55 OVERPASS),FEDERAL PROJECT STP-5422(612), ST. LOUIS, MO : that will have a pre-construction conference on March 7th. Still, this shows clear lack of oversight on the part of inspectors to allow something like this to get built in the first place.
As the city told me, the began right away. I still haven’t visited since the work is just wrapping up, but I’ve been watching as I pass by on the bus.

Once construction has finished I’ll visit the area and take a critical look at the finished product.
— Steve Patterson
Try and check it out when it’s raining. Gravity works and water follows the path of least resistance. From what it looks like, much of this new “sidewalk” will function more like a ditch or a culvert . . . .
Yep, it’s a gutter that will fill with rubbish, water (when raining) and ice/snow in the winter. However, when that isn’t a problem and we overlook any width issues (if any), I’d guess the continuous level surface would be better for those in a chair or pushing a stroller.