Hello Twenty-Thirteen
Most will say “two thousand (and) thirteen”, as I’m sure I’ll say a few times.
This comes as a surprise to some observers of English usage. From 2001 to 2009, it made sense to use the longer “two thousand” version of year names. The template was actually set way back in 1968, when Stanley Kubrick’s movie “2001” was marketed as “two thousand and one,” not “twenty oh one”—despite the precedent of pronouncing 1901 as “nineteen oh one” (or “nineteen aught one” if you want to sound particularly old-timey). (Boston Globe)
But I ask that everyone stop with “two thousand” and say “twenty.” But no matter how you pronounce it, have a great 2013!
— Steve Patterson
As my math teacher once said: There are no “ohs” in math, only digits. So it can be two thousand and thirteen or twenty thirteen, but it cannot be twenty oh thirteen.