Out of Town, Posts Will Resume Soon
Whenever I plan to be out of town I make sure I have posts until I return. However, as mentioned yesterday, I had to go out of town for a family funeral this afternoon. The last time I drove a car, until yesterday, was April 14, 2012 when I sold my Corolla (see post).
I rented a car from the Budget office in the Sheraton on 14th Street. Interestingly I was able to come & go at the Sheraton in my power chair using the front revolving door.
Most are too small but this generous door allowed me to enter just like everyone else. I took the power chair there just to confirm details and do paperwork, I got a ride to pickup the car. My chair is too big and heavy for most vehicles, especially a compact.
Back in a few days, posts should resume by Sunday at the latest.
— Steve Patterson