Poll: Should The “Express” Library In The Old Post Office Be Closed?
Nearly a decade ago the developers of the Old Post Office needed more tenants lined up so they could get their project financing, allowing them to raze the historic Century Building across the street for a parking garage. The St. Louis Public Library came through with a lease for an “express” library just four blocks east of the Central Library building and the Century came down.

The Express was nice to have while the Central was closed for renovations but a cheaper temporary location could’ve been found, such as the still-vacant ground floor of the Library administration building at 1415 Olive.
The Century is long gone and Central reopened last month. Is the Express still needed? When does the lease expire? Should it be renewed?
The poll question this week asks if the Express, located four blocks from Central, be closed or kept open. The poll is in the right sidebar.
Also, the Central Library first opened 101 years ago today.
— Steve Patterson
NO! At least, there should still be an “express” in the 9-10-11 section of downtown…I am there every week or two to drop something off or pick something up on my lunch or after work. Since I work in the 2s, walking all the way up to the main central and back is just a bit longer than I’d like to take. It’s very useful, and often used. I have to think it will remain so, despite the big guy being open again.
And now that Local Harvest is next door, I can get my favorite sandwich AND a free book to read, which basically makes my day.
Perhaps the Express location should be further east?
You know me – it boils down to supply and demand. If it continues to serve a need and be used, sure, keep it open. If not, look at other options . . .
Any endeavor which furthers the cause of disseminating knowledge and information to a broader range of citizens is ok in my book. Our country has anywhere between 500 to over 1000 military installations around the globe. I think that devoting 600 sq ft of space to a library annex is the least we could do for balance.
So yeah, Yay, Libraries!