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An Amazing Five Years!

February 1, 2013 Featured, Steve Patterson 4 Comments
ABOVE: Steve Patterson in his vehicle of choice
ABOVE: Steve Patterson in his vehicle of choice

February 1, 2008 was also on a Friday. It was cold. That evening I was supposed to meet a friend for dinner but I didn’t make it. That afternoon I had a hemorrhage in the right side of my brain — a less common form of stroke. For 15-16 hours I was curled up on my cold floor unable to get to my phone to dial 9-1-1. The next morning a worried friend found me, I responded but I don’t remember doing so.  I returned home on April 30, 2008 after staying in three hospitals for medical treatment and therapy.

Since then I’ve learned to deal with my short-term memory loss, ease of exhaustion and physical limitations. When I woke up from the medically induced coma 3+ weeks after my stroke I thought my best days were behind me, but I was wrong. The last five years have been amazing! The next five will be even better.

— Steve Patterson




Currently there are "4 comments" on this Article:

  1. I did not know any details of what led to your present condition. I look forward to meeting in person some day. Keep up the good fight.

  2. gmichaud says:

    You speak to the resilience of the human being. I agree the next five years will be better. There is so much to discuss. It is great to a have a forum the public can participate in. Urban Review is much different than corporate controlled media with their targeted conversations.

    While I would like ADA issues stay in balance with the dysfunctional urban planning system we live in, it is ADA issues that highlight how far we are from a coherent and consistent planning environment that fulfills the needs of the citizens.

  3. Daniel says:

    I really appreciate you.


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