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Parks Beautiful in Winter

March 2, 2013 Featured, Parks 3 Comments

Everyone loves our parks on perfect summer days but even in the winter they can be a place of beauty.

ABOVE: Sunset last week as seen from the Boathouse's enclosed patio
ABOVE: Sunset last week as seen from the Forest Park Boathouse’s enclosed patio

Which of our 100+ parks is your favorite in winter?

— Steve Patterson


Currently there are "3 comments" on this Article:

  1. DaveOfRichmond says:

    I clicked on your “100 +” link, and one of the first parks listed is Alaska Park, which I’d never heard of, and Google Maps knows nothing about. Bing maps does have it however (it’s at the corner of Alaska Ave and Koeln). Street View on Google clearly shows a park there, but they don’t denote it on the map, and searching for Alaska Park doesn’t work either. There used to be a way to email Google maps to let them know of things like this, but I can’t find the link anymore.

  2. branwell1 says:

    Tower Grove Park is my personal favorite any season of the year, but we try to “branch out” and visit others that are not so close to home. It’s interesting how the roles and functions of all these green spaces vary so greatly. Some are the foundation for multiple neighborhoods and represent regional attractions, while others are barely on the map, as far as the public at large is concerned. Reservoir Square park at I-44 and S. Grand took a beating when the highway chewed off its northern edge in the late 1960s, but as the neighborhoods around it have revitalized, it is the subject of an ambitious master plan and tremendous volunteer action. After years of being almost ignored, it is gaining a new prominence.


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