Riverfront Groundbreaking Held
Yesterday a ground breaking was held for the riverfront portion of the CityArchRiver project. Sitting there listening to the speakers I realized the enormity of the project, just how many federal, state, & local agencies are involved.
Reminded me of how long it took to get the Arch in the first place. It was nearly 35 years from the time the idea of a riverfront memorial (December 15, 1933) to the dedication (May 25, 1968). Even then, the landscaping wasn’t completed.
On October 28, 2015 I’m sure some will be critical of what isn’t complete. In 2017 we can celebrate the 50th anniversary of the trams or in 2018 the 50th anniversary of the original dedication, more will be completed by then.
The next couple of years will be interesting, I hope the new visitor experience being built pays off over the coming 50 years.
— Steve Patterson
Curious what your thoughts are, Steve, on the plans for Keiner Plaza east and west? I seem to remember you having a bit of a “moment of clarity” about the Gateway Mall Conservancy several months back.
Personally, I think removing the amphitheatre in favor of another flat, sparse plaza is exactly what Kiener Plaza and the Gateway Mall don’t need right now…imho.
Did they get many “average” citizens to the event, or was it mostly politicians? The pictures made it look like there were hardly any people of color.