Readers OK With Ballpark Village Dress Code
Slightly more than half the readers who voted in the poll last week selected answers supportive on the dress codes at Ballpark Village venues, conversely just under half selected answers unsupportive.

Here are the results:
Q: The Dress Code at Ballpark Village Is…
- a good thing 45 [28.85%]
- no big deal 37 [23.72%]
- a way to say “whites only” 27 [17.31%]
- par for the Cordish course 15 [9.62%]
- pointless 8 [5.13%]
- offensive 7 [4.49%]
- confusing 7 [4.49%]
- Other: 7 [4.49%]
- lame
- A dress code is needed, but this one goes too far, after all it is called ballpa
- a way to filter who is allowed in
- The same as most clubs on Wash Ave.
- The dress code at Ballpark village is a clear example sexism.
- necessary evil
- all the dress codes seem to apply to men.
- Unsure/no opinion 3 [1.92%]
The various dress codes are outlined in the original post. In short, TV’s Daisy Duke would be admitted, but St. Louis native Nelly, dressed as he was in the Hot in Herre video, would be turned away. On Washington Ave I’ve seen young women wearing skirts so short any shorter they’d be flashing everyone. Presumably, that’s ok. We’ll probably check out a few of the venues but I don’t see any becoming a regular hangout.
— Steve Patterson
It keeps the right people out
exactly. -Sarge
Steve, are you into the Cardinals, Rams, and Blues? if so BPV is a fun place to hang out.
i applaud this dress code – this is privately, not publicly funded. so they have every right to mandate this dress code. let’s not mince words here… IT KEEPS THE RIFF-RAFF OUT they aren’t spending money in the facility but rather stealing it from the ones shelling out the coin. i hope they take it a step further & keep out people that dress as those human cockroaches that nickel and dime people so they can get a ‘hot meal’ (booze). -Sarge
Not publicly funded huh? .
From 2012: “On Tuesday, the Missouri Development Finance Board approved its share of $17 million in state and local incentives for the first phase of the project — one of the final steps before construction could start.”
Don’t forget Busch Stadium! “Owner: St. Louis Cardinals
Cost: $365 million (original estimate was $344.8 million)
Public financing: $45 million long-term loan from St. Louis County.
Private financing: $90.1 million from the Cardinals, $9.2 million in interest earned on the construction fund, and $200.5 million in bonds to be paid over a 22-year period ($15.9 million per year) by the team. Anheuser-Busch agreed to a 20 year naming rights deal (through the 2025 season) which will help offset construction costs.”
ehhh, i think incentives are a bit different from them picking up the tab, but i can appreciate your point, Steve. it still doesn’t change my point that a dress code is one way to keep out the undesirables. if you want to see ballpark village go down the tubes like union station, then make it a respectable place and keep the ones spending the money coming back. if you can’t afford to dress decent, you don’t have money to spend at ballpark village. it’s a simple as that. -thanks, Sarge
Union Station did have a dress code!
“Long before Nelly was turned out of Union Station for wearing a do-rag in violation of the dress code, complaints about the enforcement tactics of the mall security force started surfacing. But these complaints didn’t come from a celebrity rapper — instead, Union Station’s own employees, its workers and managers, contend that the security force is more interested in targeting mall employees and throwing its weight around than in protecting mall patrons.”
well, you learn something new everyday. it sure didn’t cause the stink this one is making; people are trying to turn this into a racial issue when it is not. it’s a lot of money sunk into a project that appears to be paying off. to me, it is more providing a safe and comfortable environment for families, couples, buds…to enjoy an evening. and spend money. the only targeted people here are those. business are here to make money, and you don’t make money by catering to every Tom, Dick and Harry except maybe fast food. -Sarge
You’re kidding, right? It caused a huge stink back in the day, especially when Nelly didn’t meet the code. People said the exact same things to defend the dress code at the time.
Union Station was a highly contrived “festival marketplace” that didn’t last just as Ballpark Village and most Cordish projects are highly contrived and have a limited lifespan.