Poll: What Is The Best Long-Term Investment?

The poll this week is an exact duplicate of a recent Gallop Poll. Note, the headline differs slightly from the exact poll question:
Which of the following do you think is the best long-term investment?
- Bonds
- Gold
- Mutual funds
- Real Estate
- Savings Accounts/CDs
- Stocks
The six answers above are listed in alphabetical order here, but will be randomized in the poll, see top of right sidebar. As usual, I have some points that I’ll make when I present the final results next week.
— Steve Patterson
“They’re not making any more beachfront property”. With real estate, it IS all about “location, location, location”, but it is also both a finite and a tangible asset, something I can understand. In contrast, many tech stocks are both ephemeral and intangible, and something I don’t understand. Investing in anything you don’t or can’t understand puts you at much greater risk of both hype and scams, but also offers the real potential for some serious upside return on investment.
Lots of people have lots plenty of money in real estate. Over 30 years time a once-fashionable location can decline. On the other hand, a bad location can become trendy over three decades.
the best investment is in an employer matched retirement savings/investment account.
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