Poll: Should St. Louis Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages?

A couple of weeks ago you may have seen this story:
St. Louis Health Department Director Pam Walker said Saturday night that she would attempt to ban horse-drawn carriages from city streets.
Walker’s vow followed an incident in front of the City Museum downtown on Saturday night. Walker, who lives in a building adjacent to the museum, was walking her dog just before 9 p.m. when she spotted what she said was a horse “showing classic signs of heatstroke.” (stltoday)
The poll this week asks if we should ban horse-drawn carriages, I’ve provided a variety of answers but you can also supply your own. The poll is at the top of the right sidebar (mobile users need to switch to the desktop layout).
— Steve Patterson
Absolutely not. Or if they do, then also ban the Budweiser Clydesdale’s from pulling wagons around Busch Stadium and local parades. That ought to fix ’em!
What will these libs be after next, plastic bags at stores, sodas over a certain size, etc. Sure it nice to purchase a horse for your kid or for you to ride; but since feed and board ain’t cheap, tough times often mean abandon and neglect horses.
Are you kidding?! Why don’t you educate yourselves on the deaths and abuse? Do your research. Why is it necessary to force a horse to walk through busy, polluted city streets for years for your entertainment? They do not belong to you and were not put here for you. You have no business forcing a horse to pull you around the city. BAN BAN BAN.