Sunday Poll: What Day Do You Think The Michael Brown Grand Jury Will Announce Their Decision?

On Wednesday I said there would be no more weekly polls, which is true. However, that afternoon, I decided to try a poll that’s open for just 12 hours: 8am-8pm, each Sunday.
Most likely you saw the news yesterday — no decision from the Grand Jury yet:
A steady rain dampened an already gloomy mood here Saturday afternoon as word spread that a grand jury looking into whether to indict police Officer Darren Wilson had yet to make a decision. (CNN)
The poll question for today is ‘What day do you think the Michael Brown Grand Jury will announce their decision?’ The poll options include today and every day though the end of the month. The answers will be in the same order for everyone — chronological. The poll closes in 12 hours — 8pm central.
The poll is located at the top of the right sidebar on the desktop layout, mobile users will need to switch to the desktop layout to see the poll in the sidebar.
— Steve Patterson
I always follow the money. December 2, 2014 will be the announce date. Thanksgiving and Black Friday will be over, holiday travelers (for the most part) will be out of St Louis. Gives the powers-to-be three weeks to get things settled down.
We have the decision (Monday, 11/24) and we have the looting, arson and rioting. We live in a racist community, and it shows. But I fail to see how burning down the town will do anything to convince racists that what they “know” is wrong . . . .