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Sunday Poll: Rate The New Mississippi River Bridge

February 8, 2015 Downtown, Featured, Metro East, Missouri, Sunday Poll, Transportation 10 Comments
Please vote in the poll, located in the right sidebar
Please vote in the poll, located in the right sidebar

Years in the making, one year ago today Illinois & Missouri cut the ribbon on a new bridge over the Mississippi River at downtown St. Louis, officially named the Stan Musial Veterans Memorial Bridge.  The name, like everything about the project, is a compromise between interests in each state.

For budget reasons the bridge has fewer lanes than originally desired, in downtown it feeds into Tucker rather than a West bypass loop. Now that a year has past I’d like you to rate the overall bridge project. How did Illinois & Missouri do?

The exact question is: Rate the new Mississippi River Bridge (aka The Stan Musial Veterans Memorial Bridge) based on your overall impression.

The 1-5 rating scale will be presented in random order, the poll is in the right sidebar on the desktop layout. The Sunday Poll closes at 8pm — 12 hours from now.  Note: your feelings for the late Stan Musial shouldn’t be a factor in your rating of this major infrastructure project.

— Steve Patterson


Currently there are "10 comments" on this Article:

  1. JZ71 says:

    From a distance, it’s a nice addition to the skyline; up close, it’s pretty apparent that “value engineering” played a big role in the project.

    • Mark says:

      I’m wary when so-called “value” engineering is recommended to bring a proposed project into budget. I’ve found that for every buck “saved”, $0.25 frequently goes toward the contractor’s bottom line, and often (at least sometimes) the owner is left with a maintenance nightmare. I question the use of so much exposed structural steel in the new ballpark project, for example, and whether that selection was the result of “value” engineering. And while I’ve not driven your new bridge, based on your comment, I suspect that along with those changes, the owner may be facing some maintenance nightmares as a result. I’ve found also that frequently these so-called “value” engineering details are “negotiated” and are not subject to competitive bidding. YIKES.

  2. Eric says:

    Best bridge $220million can buy I guess (that’s the cost of the main span) and it has moved 40,000 cars from other bridges. So money well spent

  3. TAN says:

    They forgot the bike lane! I love the free views at Eads and McKinley. It’s hard to appreciate the bridge and skyline at 60 mph.

    • ScottF says:

      I like bike lines on bridges, but what would a bike lane on an Interstate bridge have connected to? I think we are somewhat luckily to have Eads, McKinley and the Old Chain of Rocks.

  4. Mike says:

    The span of the bridge is great. The problem is that it will need an additional 2-4 lanes in the near future. It should also connect with I-44.

    • ScottF says:

      I don’t think it’s likely we will need another 2-4 lanes in the near future. Traffic projections are not increasing as they once were.

  5. ScottF says:

    Steve, have you heard/read anything recently about traffic counts on the new bridge? Last I heard was that they were quite a bit lower than projections, but that was some time ago.


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