Sunday Poll: Metro allows smoking at MetroBus Transit Centers but not on MetroLink platforms. Metro should:

Today’s poll is about Metro’s smoking policy. Riders can smoke at transit centers while waiting for a MetroBus, but those riders on platforms waiting for a MetroLink light rail train can’t smoke. Transit centers are points where numerous bus routes meet, often adjacent to MetroLink stations — Civic Center & North Hanley are two examples.
The poll question is: Metro allows smoking at MetroBus Transit Centers but not on MetroLink platforms. Metro should:
The options provided, in random order, are:
- Allow smoking at both
- Prohibit smoking at both
- Keep policy as is — smoking allowed at one but not the other
- Unsure/No Opinion
The poll, as always, is on the top of the right sidebar.It’ll close at 8pm central.
— Steve Patterson
Who’s going to enforce any new restrictions? Metro’s transit police? Rules without consistent enforcement are essentially worthless, even if they’re well-intentioned. Kind of like the current debate over concealed weapons on Metrolink – if it’s “concealed”, who’s going to know, unless you choose to un-conceal it?! I doubt that Metro’s security guards have any interest (or the constitutional right) to install metal detectors or to do random pat-downs on Metrolink platforms. The same goes for smoking in areas without actual security personnel present – some smokers will respect the rules and be considerate of other passengers, and some could care less . . .
I believe most people follow posted rules. As there a no restrictions on smoking at MetroBus centers they light up. Unfortunately Metro’s policy discourages the nonsmoking majority from using the MetroBus system.
ban both! i can’t stand walking by one of those bus stops on cold humid days when the smoke just lingers in the air. it stinks so bad and is toxic to the innocent people that chose not to smoke. the few considerate smokers, will step away, but most are selfish and inconsiderate.
it always amazes me how people in lower income brackets always can find the money to buy those filthy cigarettes.
with all the chemicals they filling those ciggy butts with, to keep people hooked, you just know they will talking through a cancer kazoo later in life. thanks, sarge
Whatever the rule I think we should treat people who smoke with empathy and compassion instead of demeaning them.
We can accept that there may be some harm, and people don’t like being around, secondhand smoke. Some stations are wide enough that there could be a “smoking section” of the platform. Other stations are too small.
I think I would prefer a “no smoking with X feet” rule from bus stops. But I have no strong opinion.
Smoking sections are great until you find yourself downwind from a gaggle of chain smokers. Then it’s like the old old saying goes about a peeing section in the public pool. Smoke at home.
Ban Both!!!! Smoking at bus stops and stations is one of the main reasons I don’t use Metro Bus. I can’t arrive at work smelling like a cigarette. It’s unprofessional and inconsiderate to stink like that all day long. It’s bad enough when the wife and I run by a bus stop while exercising and have to take in a few mouthfuls of smoke….I can’t imagine being required to sit in it for 20 mins while waiting for a bus to arrive.
Well, I’d vote to leave it as it is, but in the past year I have noticed people openly smoking ON the train. Usually they light up shortly before they get off at their stop. But recently I smelled smoke, and it kept getting stronger and stronger. I thought, NOBODY carries that much reek on their clothes. Sure enough, a guy had lit up just past Brentwood and smoked all the way to Shrewsbury (while standing at the doorway and, inexplicably, fanning his cigarette with his other hand between puffs). My point is, with open drug trade and fights rampant on trains, Metro is hardly in a position to enforce new platform rules.