Sunday Poll: Support Or Oppose A Law Allowing Breaking Into A Car To Save A Child/Pet?

As we get closer to Summer, temperatures are rising. Which means the risk to kids & pets left in cars goes up greatly. Ohio recently passed a law that protects the public if they try to save a minor and/or pet:
Governor John Kasich signed a bill into law Tuesday that protects a person who breaks into a hot car to save a minor or a pet.
Senate Bill 215 allows people to force their way into a locked vehicle if police are not able to get there in time. The law does come with some limitations, however.
The person must call 911, they must check to see if the door is unlocked and if they feel it is an emergency they can break into the vehicle. (Source)
Today’s poll asks you to weigh in on this topic:
The poll is open until 8pm tonight, please share your thoughts on such a law in the comments below.
— Steve Patterson