Three Houses on North 22nd Street Still Unfinished
In July 2011 I blogged about three unfinished houses on North 22nd Street, in a development known as Bosley Estates. Last week they remained unfinished and decaying. They’re at 3920, 3916, and the worst is 3912 (see on Google Street View).

3912 N 22nd St is owned by Jewell 7 L.L.C.:
- Entity created on 6/27/2012
- Entity purpose: “Generate profit from the development and sell of residential and commercial property.“
- Registered agent: Kymberly Graham: 2010 Kingsgate Dr 63138
- Organizers: Frank K. Billups & Darryl M. Bills: 15663 Debridge Way Florissant, MO 63034
- Entity created on 1/7/2003
- Entity purpose: “All purposes allowed under the act.“
- Registered agent: Gary Johnson: 3918 Page Ave., St. Louis, MO 63113
- Organizers: Gary Johnson, Ken Hutchinson, and Walter Allen: 3918 Page Ave., St. Louis, MO 63113
- Tax bills mailed to: 625 N. Euclid Ste 500, St. Louis, MO 63108 (now luxury apartments)
Building permits for 3920 & 3916 were applied for, and issued, on 4/14/2006. The permit for 3912 N 22nd was applied for on 5/16/2006, issued a month later.
City records show 4 sales for 3912 N. 22nd:
- 4/5/2006 for $15,144 LRA/back taxes (vacant lot prior to start of new construction)
- 7/15/2009 for $2,500 foreclosure
- 10/22/2009 for $2,500 foreclosure
- 2/27/2013 for $4,000 as part of a multi-location sale
Four new houses on the block were finished and sold. If I had bought one I’d be upset these were allowed to go unfinished for a decade! Bosley Estates is named after the alderman, Freeman Bosley Sr.
- June 2011: Readers Want Ald Freeman Bosley Sr. Out of Office
- June 2013: Search Readers: Alderman Freeman Bosley Sr. Should Resign
Not sure which will happen first, these unfinished houses completed or a new alderman sworn into office in the 3rd ward?
— Steve Patterson
Project fail. This is old news. There have been many larger project failures than this one. We’re talking a few houses here. No big whoop.
If you owned a home on this block you might take it more seriously. I pointed out the project failure five years ago, Two of the three unfinished homes might still be good enough to complete. The last one the foundation is likely ok, but the wood should be removed. If the area had good leadership something would’ve been done years ago.
Just say NO to house mullets!
There are limits as to what the city can do to force any private entity to complete a project, like these. Ultimately, the city can, and likely will, take ownership, for unpaid taxes, as it’s done with hundreds and hundreds of other parcels. Absent a buyer, or the likelihood of attracting a buyer, why would any private entity spend money, here?! I get it, it sucks if you bought on the block, with the promise of future neighbors and a ROI on your investment, but zombie subdivisions and zombie developments are not unique to St. Louis – I can get you a great deal on some swamp land in Florida! and and and
If the original development agreements with the city included clawback clause ( then the city has…or had…recourse.
Not if there was a bank in between the city and real estate.
Both photos show a weathered substrate material that is likely warped, bowed, spongy, curling, delaminated and rotting, due to prolonged exposure. And I’ve found that when the substrate is in that condition, typically the framing that supports the substrate is also twisted, rotten, curling and bowed. Nails used to connect the vertical studs to the plates, lintels and headers and roof framing are also likely rusted and therefore will not provide sufficient wind loading, or properly transfer gravity, uplift and lateral loads to the foundation. I can’t imagine that a legitimate building contractor would even consider installing siding over the sheathing shown in your photos, nor would he consider nailing scalloped brick ties to the face since the water-exposed laminated wood has likely lost its ability to resist pullout due to reduced density caused by water exposure and sun, even if a ring-shank attachment is used. I would never certify such a building that has been exposed for extended periods subject to seasonal rainfall, winter contraction, freeze-thaw, and summer heat, and my recommendation would be to minimally remove all structure above foundation walls, and then verify that freezing water hasn’t heaved the concrete foundation systems.. The best way to destroy a wood substrate is to apply vinyl siding over it which will trap moisture and rot the structure, and the second best way to do the same thing is to allow the substrate to remain exposed to the elements over an extended period of time. Buildings can’t be neglected, then given an enema, and expect it to regain its original vigor and vitality.
This residential development smells of more government subsidies and government waste and government ignorance. Otherwise are we to believe that private entities using hard-earned private money 1) rescued this property from LRA for even pennies on the dollar,2) invested in engineering and “architectural” services (worthy of a Grade D in third-year “Introduction to Architectural Design I” class) to prepare documents required in order to acquire building permits, 3)purchased material and labor to erect footings and foundations, wall/roof framing and sheathing, roofing materials,,,,,,,only to suddenly walk away from the unfinished buildings just like you or I would do with our empty styrofoam plates and plastic utensils, soiled napkins and half-empty and torn salt and pepper packages, after eating at Burger King? I wonder if Democrats are just a little too splendiferous when they have a pocketful of my money, your money, our money?