St. Louis Board of Aldermen: New Board Bills 5/5/2017 (#1, #9-#24)

Today is the third meeting of the 2017-2018 session of the St. Louis Board of Aldermen.
Two Board Bills were introduced a week ago that weren’t listed on last week’s agenda posted the day before. Number 9 is on the agenda posted online, perhaps I missed it. However, #10 isn’t on any agenda:
- BOARD BILL NO. 9 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VACCARO, PRESIDENT LEWIS REED An ordinance requiring the corrections commissioner to post a quarterly report on the City’s Division of Corrections website regarding administrative segregation of inmates at city detention centers; and containing a severability and an emergency clause.
- BOARD BILL NO. 10 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN SHARON TYUS An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently unlicensed premises within the boundaries of the First Ward, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing an exception allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, and containing an emergency clause.
Since the agendas don’t indicate if they been updated after first being posted online it’s impossible to know if an official posted agenda is changed after being initially posted. To keep track of bills & agendas I’ll be downloading the PDF as soon as it’s available — usually Wednesday afternoon. Bill pages with the actual bill text via PDF is usually posted Thursday afternoon.
Last week’s meeting can be viewed here (under 20 minutes). Mayor Krewson introduces four of her staff.
The following bills are listed on agenda #3 as of yesterday at 7am:
B.B.#1 – Pres. Reed/Conway – An ordinance making appropriation for payment of Interest, Expenses and Principal of the City’s Bonded Indebtedness, establishing City tax rates, and making appropriation for current year expenses of the City Government; for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2017 and ending June 30, 2018, amounting in the aggregate to the sum of One Billion, Fifty? one Million, Three Hundred Ninety One Thousand, Six Hundred Sixty?Six Dollars ($1,051,391,666) which sum is hereby appropriated from Revenue and Special Funds named for the purposes hereinafter enumerated and containing an emergency clause.
B.B.#11 – Pres. Reed – An ordinance requiring that any proposed board bill that seeks a tax incentive for real estate development requires the potential developer to provide a Community Benefits Agreement.
B.B.#12 – Co6way/Pres. Reed – An Ordinance to provide for the borrowing of funds in anticipation of the collection of tax payments levied by The City, for deposit in its General Revenue Fund for the calendar year ending December 31, 2017, and remaining uncollected and other revenues remaining to be collected and deposited in the General Revenue Fund for fiscal year ending June 30, 2018, all such revenues for the General Revenue Fund in the Treasury, through the issuance by the City of its Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes, and the acquiring of credit enhancement, if necessary, in order to lower the cost of such borrowing; prescribing the form and details of such Notes; authorizing and approving certain documents and other actions; and containing an emergency clause.
B.B.#13 – Howard – An Ordinance establishing a three?way stop site at the intersection of Neosho and Adkins by regulating all northwest? bound and southeast?bound traffic traveling on Neosho at Adkins and regulating all northeast?bound traffic traveling on Adkins at Neosho; and containing an emergency clause.
B.B.#14 – Cohn – An ordinance adopted to establish a Citizen Commission to be known as “The Citizen Commission on the Reduction and Reformation of the Board of Aldermen” which Commission’s purpose shall be to collect community input, gather information, conduct community outreach, study and provide advisory opinion/s to the Board of Aldermen on the implementation of Ordinance #69185, which measure was passed by the electorate of the City, and calls for a restructuring of the Board of Aldermen from a body of twenty? eight aldermen representing twenty?eight wards to a body of fourteen aldermen representing fourteen wards, and provides for a transition schedule to implement the restructuring.
B.B.#15 – Ogilvie – An Ordinance establishing a three?way stop site at the intersection of Hoffman and Clifton by regulating all northbound and southbound traffic traveling on Clifton at Hoffman and regulating all eastbound traffic traveling on Hoffman at Clifton, and containing an emergency clause.
B.B.#16 – Ogilvie – An Ordinance establishing a three?way stop site at the intersection of Berthold and Graham by regulating all southbound traffic traveling on Graham at Berthold and regulating all eastbound and westbound traffic traveling on Berthold at Graham, and containing an emergency clause.
B.B.#17 – Boyd – An ordinance authorizing and directing the Street Commissioner to take all necessary actions to honorarily designate the section of St. Louis Avenue between Semple and Arlington as Rev. Reginald D. Rogers, Sr. Avenue.
B.B.#18 – Roddy – An Ordinance recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment authorizing and directing the issuance and delivery of not to exceed $19,400,000 plus issuance costs principal amount of tax increment revenue notes (City Foundry Saint Louis TIF) Series 20__? A/B, of The City; prescribing the form and details of such notes and the covenants and agreements made by the City to facilitate and protect the payment thereof; prescribing other matters relating thereto, and containing a severability clause.
B.B.#19 – Davis – An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for 3827 Shaw.
B.B.#20 – Roddy – An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 1301-03 S. Boyle.
B.B.#21 – Roddy – An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 4427 Chouteau.
B.B.#22 – Roddy – An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 4401 Gibson.
B.B.#23 – Roddy – An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 4443 Oakland.
B.B.#24 – Flowers – An ordinance recommended by the Board of Public Service to vacate travel in 20 foot wide east/west and 15 foot wide north/south unimproved alleys in City Block 1228?E as bounded by Penrose, Broadway, Angelica and I?70 in the City.
Today’s meeting should be short since there are no bills out of committee for a 2nd reading and debate. The agenda indicates there are no committee meetings are scheduled for next week.
— Steve Patterson