‘The Walk’ Two Decades Later

Twenty years ago today a small group of fellow Gen-Xers gathered in a pretty dead downtown St. Louis. Their goal was simple — keep businesses open later than 5pm. Thursday they’ll meet up again, from the event page:
On Thursday, Sept. 11, 1997 a few fine folks came together and walked to a few bars in downtown St. Louis with the simple premise of trying to keep downtown St. Louis alive after 5, one bar at a time. The Walk, as it quickly came to be known was the staple, weekly event for Metropolis St. Louis for a number of years. Many memories and lasting friendships (and more) were formed. Some even credit Metropolis with kickstarting the revitalization of downtown into what it has become today!
Somehow 20 years have flown by. And we’re here to celebrate that with another Walk.
We will meet and be prepared to leave the starting point of 8th and Pine at 6:30 p.m. on Sept. 14 (read: be ready to head out at 6:30) and walk to three locations — four if you’re adventerous. If you’re driving, you might want to park around the 10th & Olive area.
Since technology has advanced just a wee bit since back in the day, there will be no Walk phone. Join us at 8th & Pine or catch up at one of the following places:
6:45 – Jack Patricks
7:45 – Hair of the Dog
8:45 – Missouri Bar & Grille
9:45 – ….We’ll tell you later, but promise it will be fun!In the meantime get prepped to hear “WE’RE WALKING!” on Sept. 14.
The City is back. Back the City.
While I participated in The Walk a number of times back in the day, I don’t think I was present on the first. I was not a leader in Metropolis, but did participate at times. I was 30 when the first The Walk took place, I’d bought a 2-family in Dutchtown 3 years earlier, living previously in Murphy-Blair (now recognized as Old North St. Louis). Downtown was nothing really, though I moved here 27+ years ago I have few memories of downtown in the 90s.
The lsat Walk I participated in was in early 2006 in the Ville, see Metropolis’ Walk Heading To The Ville.
— Steve Patterson