St. Louis Board of Aldermen Week 22 of 2017-2018 Session

The St. Louis Board of Aldermen will meet at 10am today, their 22nd week of the 2017-2018 session.
*Note that just because a bill is on the agenda doesn’t mean it’ll be introduced, similarly, bills not on the agenda might be introduced if they suspend the rules to do so. This information is based on the published agenda as of yesterday @ 8am:
- B.B.#181 – Coatar –An ordinance amending Ordinance #63535 approved August 1, 1995, by modifying the terms of real estate tax abatement for the Eleventh/Clark/Eighth/Poplar Redevelopment Area authorized by Ordinance #63535.
- B.B.#182 – Davis –An ordinance recommended and approved by the Airport Commission, the Comptroller and the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, making certain findings with respect to the transfer of up to Six Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollars ($630,000) of excess moneys that The City, the owner and operator of St. Louis Lambert International Airport, intends to transfer from the Debt Service Stabilization Fund to the Airport Development Fund in accordance with Section 516.B of the Lambert?St. Louis International Airport Indenture of Trust between the City, as Grantor, and UMB Bank, N.A., as Trustee, dated as of October 15, 1984, as amended and restated as of July 1, 2009, as amended and supplemented; authorizing a transfer in an amount not to exceed Six Hundred Thirty Thousand ($630,000) from the DSSF into the Airport Development Fund during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2017, for the purpose of making funds available to address the emergency replacement of the 5,000 gallon Airfield Maintenance Diesel Fuel Storage Tank; containing a severability clause; and containing an emergency clause. \
- B.B.#183 – Davis –An Ordinance recommended and approved by the Airport Commission, the Board of Public Service, and the Board of Estimate and Apportionment authorizing a First Amendment to Section One of the Airfield, Building & Environs Projects Ordinance 70410 approved December 19, 2016, which authorized a multi?year public work and improvement program (“Airfield, Building & Environs Projects”) at St. Louis Lambert International Airport, increasing the total estimated cost of the Airport, Building & Environs Projects by Six Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollars ($630,000) to Seventeen Million Six Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollars ($17,630,000) and amending EXHIBIT A entitled “FISCAL YEAR 2017 PROJECT/EQUIPMENT LIST” by adding a new project to the list entitled “Replacement of 5,000 Gallon Airfield Maintenance Diesel Fuel Storage Tank”; authorizing a First Supplemental Appropriation in the total amount of Six Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollars ($630,000) from the Airport Development Fund into the Airport, Building & Environs Projects Ordinance 70410 approved December 19, 2016, for the payment of costs for work and services authorized therein; containing a severability clause; and an emergency clause.
- B.B.#184 – Davis –An Ordinance recommended and approved by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment authorizing and directing the Director of Airports and the Comptroller, owner and operator of St. Louis Lambert International Airport to enter into and execute, the Host International Local Concept Restaurant Concession Agreement AL?073 between the City and Host International, granting to the Concessionaire, subject to and in accordance with the terms, covenants, and conditions of the Agreement, certain rights and privileges in connection with the occupancy and use of the Premises, which is defined and more fully described in Section 201 of the Concession Agreement that was approved by the Airport Commission; containing a severability clause; and containing an emergency clause.
- B.B.#185 – Spencer –An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for 3420 California.
- B.B.#186 – Davis – An ordinance amending Ord. No. 65857 pertaining To the Redevelopment Agreement between the City and Grand Center Inc., as amended, amending same to authorize an Application for abatement for the 3637 Washington Fox Garage Project and further amending Ord. No. 68874 by authorizing a Fifth Supplemental Trust Indenture; and containing a severability Clause.
- B.B.#187 – Muhammad –An ordinance requiring Land Reutilization Authority to sell LRA Land Bank properties which have been owned by the City for a period of more than ten (10) years and located within a Ward containing five?hundred (500) or more LRA Land Bank properties to purchasers for the sum of one dollar ($1.00), such sale to be conditioned upon the written approval of the Alderman of the Ward in which said property is located.
The meeting begins at 10am, past meetings and a live broadcast can be watched online here. See list of all board bills for the 2017-2018 session.
— Steve Patterson