Urban Planning In An Era Of Terrorism
For the past few years I’ve been thinking about urban design/planning as it resounds to terrorism. On Halloween the truck attack we’d seen in London and other cities worldwide came to America, NYC.

I have no insights, no solutions. Each time a terrorist drives a truck down a bike path, shots into a crowd from his hotel window, or explodes fertilizer in a rental truck — my mind wonders if something could’ve been designed differently? Who could’ve anticipated these events? Should planners, designers, architects, etc think darker? They’ll have to now.
I wish I was able to work so I could tackle this problem, but, at the same time I find it very depressing.
The NYC Department of Transportation said it’s putting the blockers in 57 different spots along the path, which runs along the western side of Manhattan near the Hudson River. They’ll start at 59th Street and go all of the way down to the end of the path near the World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan. (ABC7)
Safe pedestrian space has long been very important to me, but I’m not sure if it can exist anywhere.
— Steve Patterson