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Readers Split on Bill to Ease Motorcycle Helmet Use & Vehicle Inspections

May 29, 2019 Featured, Missouri No Comments
Missouri Capital, Jefferson City, MO, April 2011

In the recent non-scientific Sunday Poll neither side got more than half the votes — a lot were like me — in the middle.

Q: Should Gov Parsons sign the bill relaxing motorcycle helmet requirements, vehicle inspections; raise registration & license fees?

  • Definitely yes! 2 [6.45%]
  • Yes: 2 [6.45%]
  • Hmm, I suppose: 7 [22.58%]
  • Neither yes or no: 4 [12.9%]
  • Hmm, I don’t think so: 2 [6.45%]
  • No: 3 [9.68%]
  • Definitely not! 10 [32.26%]
  • Unsure/No Answer: 1 [3.23%]

I don’t think motorcycle riders should be allowed to ride without a helmet. If signed, the law would allow those with health insurance to ride sans helmet. Will those without health insurance continue to wear a helmet, or will they ride without knowing it’s unlikely they’ll get stopped?  I’m also a fan of vehicle inspections, even though they’re a pain. These can find problems that should be fixed for the safety of everyone else.

I do like that the bill will permit left turns onto one-way streets — basically because everyone already does it.

— Steve Patterson


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