ABOVE: Ladies who lunch buy cupcakes afterwards on Washington Ave
Last fall I spotted these ladies lining up to buy cupcakes from Sarah’s Cake Shop. Â Purely for research purposes I got a carrot cupcake, just to test out the experience. Â I love street & truck vendors as well as those who operate brick-n-morter locations. Â To me, increased activity on the sidewalk means more business for everyone.
The (#99) Downtown Trolley has become, for me, an important part of downtown. Yesterday I had to go to the Millennium Hotel on 4th Street for an Affordable Housing Conference. Sure, it is a regular bus with a unique exterior wrap but the frequency & route are why I use it regularly.
ABOVE: Downtown Trolley at Broadway & Market with the Old Courthouse in background
As a downtown (west) resident I could have “walked” since I have a power chair. But Google Maps says the distance is 1.4 miles via a direct route. That distance in the chair is no big deal, it has plenty of power for the round trip.
Just like physically walking that distance, it becomes exhausting dealing with the number of intersections to cross.
The Downtown Trolley has a limited fixed route that covers much of downtown, but not all. I had to go a few blocks from my loft to catch the trolley and another few to reach my final destination. Still, I was able to do about a mile of my journey on the trolley.
Studies show people are generally willing to walk about a quarter of a mile but anything beyond that those willing to walk drops off dramatically.Returning home at the end of the day it was a nice evening and I had stop to make so I skipped the trolley entirely.
ABOVE: Two buildings on Locust at 10th have been approved for demo
The Roberts Brother had planned to raze these two structures as part of converting the building to the right to a Hotel Indigo. Â I assume that project is on hold, a victim of the economy. Â While I wish the windows were still in the one building, I’d rather see these two buildings remain standing & vacant than razed for an auto court.
AARP Livibility Index
The Livability Index scores neighborhoods and communities across the U.S. for the services and amenities that impact your life the most
Built St. Louis
historic architecture of St. Louis, Missouri – mourning the losses, celebrating the survivors.
Geo St. Louis
a guide to geospatial data about the City of St. Louis