ABOVE: Bike locked to tree at Gateway One 2/18/2010
Last Thursday I spotted a bike in front of the Gateway One building (701 Market). The bike was chained to a tree. With the exception of Washington Ave (West of 9th) and a few other spots, downtown St. Louis has no places to park bikes. Considerable effort goes into creating bike trails, paths & lanes yet places to secure bikes once the user has arrived don’t receive attention. We’ve lost far too many buildings to create surface & structured parking for an increasing number of automobiles.
The public rights-of-way can accommodate both bike parking and more automobile parking. We need to freeze the creation of new spaces for autos on private land and focus on using the public streets (road + sidewalks) to provide bike parking throughout the central business district.
In the last two weeks I’ve visited the Old Courthouse downtown. I had forgotten just how wonderful the building is.
“The majestic Old Courthouse has remained over the past 150 years as one of St. Louis’ most prominent architectural landmarks. Plan your visit to see all the permanent exhibits and special events! The Old Courthouse was the site of the first two trials of the pivotal Dred Scott case in 1847 and 1850. It was also where Virginia Minor’s case for a woman’s right to vote came to trial in the 1870s. You may tour this historic structure, and visit the restored courtrooms to learn more about our 19th century judicial system.” (National Park Service)
So much history, much of it bad. Humans were sold on the front steps! I find that fact so difficult to understand.
We often think of the front as the West side facing Kiener Plaza, but the front actually faces onto 4th Street toward the river. The wheelchair access is off Broadway (5th) though. If you have not been before or if it has been many years consider stopping in.
The handsome building at 1701 Locust was sold twice in 2005: for $1.25 million in August and for $1.8 million in December 2005. Next week it will be auctioned online with bids starting at 900K. Ouch!
Many buildings downtown faced similar issues. When times were great building prices rose quickly but they have cooled even faster than they heated up.
Nothing appears to have been done, except architectural drawings for lofts. This 4-story building contains over 76,000sf. From the listing;
“Exceptional user purchase or redevelopment opportunity. The Property is a vacant office building measuring approximately 76,000 sf in downtown St. Louis. The property is an ideal candidate for a user purchase or redevelopment to mixed-use of commercial and residential. Phase I and Phase II applications for local, state and federal historical tax credits have been completed and approved, which provide for tax credits of 25% (state and local) and 20% (federal) of eligible costs and expenses of renovations to offset state and federal income taxes.”
It is located a block West of me so I hope someone will buy and rehab it. There are plenty of for sale condos on the market already so rental units makes more sense currently. More information can be found at Auction.com.
Last week the agreement to sell the St. Louis Rams to Urbana, IL businessman Shahid Khan was announced in the news:
“The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported that the team’s owners, Chip Rosenbloom and Lucia Rodriguez, have agreed to sell the team to Illinois businessman Shahid Khan.” (USAToday)
Any sale must be approved by the NFL. If the sale goes through it would very likely mean the Rams would not be leaving the St. Louis area. But sale or not, the requirements of the lease remain in place:
“The next scheduled deadline for first-tier status is March 1, 2015. But the process that could lead to the Rams getting out of the lease and potentially relocating starts much sooner – in just 2 1/2 years.
On or before Feb. 1, 2012, the CVC must deliver a preliminary plan for first-tier improvements. The overall plan must include a financial plan, as well as the source of those funds.
The Rams then have until March 1, 2012, to notify the CVC if they approve or disapprove of those plans.
At that point, the Rams have until May 1, 2012, to submit an alternate plan, with the CVC then given until June 1, 2012, to accept or reject the Rams’ alternate plan.
If the CVC rejects the Rams’ alternate plan, the matter goes to arbitration on June 15, 2012. The arbitration must be completed by the end of 2012.
If no agreement is reached, the stadium lease would then convert to a year-to-year lease, with the Rams free to move after the 2014 season.” (Source: ballparks.com)
So the CVC now has less than two years to put together a plan to satisfy the requirement that the dome be among the top 25% in the NFL. We don’t yet know how much money is required, or where it would come from. I’m sure the CVC folks are already sweating bullets thinking about it. If the CVC meets the lease requirements then the Rams will be obligated through 2024. At that point the dome will be more than 30 years old and the lease will terminate.
Assuming we get past this next deadline, I think we will hear talk around 2018-2020 about a new facility. The poll this week asks where you think a new facility should be located. I think any future facility should not be located downtown. Baseball works well in an urban context — there are many more home games, the required facility is smaller, and baseball stadiums are more visually open. Football stadiums belong outside of an walkable urban context: suburbia basically.
By 2012 we may be asked to fund improvements to the Edward Jones Dome. If we are going to come up with additional money I want that money to go for a new facility outside of downtown. Put it next to MetroLink in Illinois or on the site of the former Chrysler plant on I-44.
Leaving a parking garage recently I encountered a security measure I hadn’t faced since my stroke.
But there was the sign, just push the button and the door at the same time.  My left hand isn’t too useful and in my right is my cane. I often hold the cane with the left while I do things with my right hand. I ended up leaning against the door handle then pressing the red button with my right to exit onto the sidewalk. So much in society assumes all are able bodied.
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