Huge Traffic Increases in 2008
Last year saw huge increases in traffic. Not auto traffic, web traffic here at UrbanReviewSTL.
The number of pages viewed in 2007 was just over 3.5 million. Not bad and certainly a healthy increase over 2006’s 1.2 million page views and 2005’s 334,000 views. For 2008 the number of pages was around 9.5 million! This is a year to year growth rate of over 167%!

Considering there were only two posts in February, the numbers are remarkable. I know from my survey that just over 15% of you began reading in 2008. In a weird way my stroke was good for traffic. People went to the site when they heard about my stroke and many stayed around to follow my recovery.
In 2008 I had a total of 305 posts – an average of 25.4 posts per month. Take out February and I had an average of 27.5 posts per month. In 2007 I had a total of 370 posts for the year (30.8/month). I don’t have a good summary on word count but my posts are noticeably shorter thanks to one handed typing – and likely more read as a result of their brevity. The stroke was sort of that editor I never had.
2009 will be a good year on many levels. I expect growth in page views but it is hard to predict at what rate. Since starting this site in October 2004 the growth & popularity has been so far beyond my wildest expectations.
Thank you to all of you. May you have a joyous 2009!