Sidewalks That Look Good But Don’t Function Well
I spent a good portion of Saturday with the grand kids. No, not mine, a friend’s. But that required a trip to St Charles County. I’m not fond of driving West of Kingshighway so you have to appreciate how adorable these kids are to get me out there.

Coming back to their house after lunch I snapped the above picture. Many places don’t even have sidewalks and those that do, like the above example, just line the road and don’t actually connect to anything. We passed a Wal-Mart (how predictable, right?) and I was pleasantly shocked to see the sidewalk connecting to the entrance – a proper ADA access route.
But for the most part the sidewalks just seem like decoration. Something to give the illusion you could walk to a store. But it is just that, an illusion of walkable. As bad as newer development in the city is, St Charles is far worse.
I grew up in a 1960s area of Oklahoma City that is just as bad. My parents moved there for the same reason people moved to St Charles, schools. Except where I grew up I was in the same district as the inner city but on the edge in newer buildings. We had no sidewalks. You only walked when the car broke down. Why else would you walk?
Don’t worry, the grand kids are getting exposed to urban life where you walk to places. Where you run into friends on the sidewalks rather than the mall parking lot.
Much like religion, I think it is good to expose youngsters to different perspectives and allow them to draw their own conclusions when they get older.  Just like many kids of the 50s picked the suburbs, todays kids will pick the core when they make their own living choices. If I’m wrong let me know in 2030.
In the meantime if we go to the trouble to have sidewalks wouldn’t it be a good idea it they actually connected to places?