The top answer in the poll last week indicates readers would like Treasurer Tishaura Jones issue a RFP (Request For Proposals) regarding the soon to be vacant site occupied for decades by the Cupples 7 warehouse.
Here are the poll results:
Q: What should St. Louis Treasurer Tishaura Jones do with the site of the former Cupples 7 warehouse? (pick up to 3)
Issue a RFP (request for proposals) from developers 73 [32.74%]
Don’t raze the western half! 48 [21.52%]
Solicit public to get ideas 34 [15.25%]
Set up a design charrette 32 [14.35%]
Plant it for a public park 18 [8.07%]
Pave it for surface parking 8 [3.59%]
Unsure/no opinion 5 [2.25%]
Construct a parking garage 3 [1.35%]
Other: 2 [0.9%]
Here are the two “other” answers submitted by readers.
Sell the site for a $1 to the first worthy development w/ funding.
set up a public speaking dais for a press conference on it and resign.
Ouch! I agree a RFP should be issued, but only after getting ideas from the public. The RFP shouldn’t be open-ended, it should have parameters based on public input.
In the interest of transparency & change, Jones will [hopefully] seek input and put together an open process to address the disposition the site.
The south wall of the west section was nearly gone when I visited yesterday. I think the north & west walls are the most critical, even saving just the first 3 floors of these walls makes sense until we have a handle on the next steps.
Metropolitan Square, at 593 feet, is the tallest office building in St. Louis. The Gateway Arch is slightly taller, at 630 feet. When Met Square was being built a 25-year time capsule was placed.
Here we are at the end of August 2013, I’ve not heard anything about opening the time capsule.
1988 (MCMLXXXVIII) was a leap year that started on a Friday, in accordance with the Gregorian calendar. It is the 1988th year of the Common Era, or A.D.; the 988th year of the 2nd millennium; the 88th year of the 20th century; and the 9th year of the 1980s decade. In the 20th century, the year 1988 has the most Roman numeral digits .
1988 was an important year in the early history of the Internet – it was the year of the first well-known computer virus, the 1988 Internet worm. The first officially sanctioned online commercial e-mail provider debuted as well. (Wikipedia)
What might be in the time capsule?
Floppy disks?
Copy of Bobby McFerrin’s Grammy-winning “Don’t Worry Be Happy” album?
Tickets from the INXS concert at Kiel Auditorium in March? Or to Tommy Shaw at the Arena, also in March?
KSDK’s interview with Michael Jackson’s unknown backup singer, Sheryl Crow? On tape, of course.
Newspaper with story on Richard Gephardt’s bid to be the Democratic nominee for president?
April issue of GQ with Ozzie Smith on the cover?
No matter what they put in the time capsule I’m sure it’ll make many of us feel old. Now to get someone to set up an opening event.
Update 8/23/13 @ 12:15pm: From a Jones Lang Lasalle representative “We are thinking about October but the date has not been set.”
Most signalized intersections in St. Louis don’t require pedestrians to push buttons to get a “walk” sign, but this is changing as sidewalks & signals are updated. The biggest challenge is hunting for the right button to press. Take 14th & Olive, for example.
On the SW corner I’m not sure why both buttons aren’t on the same poll, with the top one for Olive, the one already controls the 14th signal. Typically when the buttons are separated from each other the one nearest a ramp controls that signal.
Every time I go through this intersection I forget and have to circle around to hit the right button. I’m not sure if this can easily be rectified, but I’ll find out.
Some people have the attitude if I don’t like Culinaria I should just shop elsewhere and not complain. When regular customers complain to a business they’re helping that business, going elsewhere without feedback doesn’t help the business, or the employes.
Over the last 4 years Culinaria has improved greatly, especially in the last year. Why? Because myself and others have complained, explaining what we like and dislike. The example I mentioned in the post introducing last week’s poll — flour. When Culinaria opened 4 years ago with the marketing tag line: “Bring out the foodie in you” but only flour offered was Schnucks bleached flour.
Bleached flour has a slightly lower protein content than unbleached flour because of the chlorination process it goes through. Protein develops into gluten, which provides structure in baked goods. Less protein in bleached flour means less gluten and a softer, lighter texture and finer grain, just the qualities you want in more delicate pastries like cakes, pastry dough, muffins and shortcakes.
According to Shirley Corriher, author of Bakewise (Scribner, 2008), there’s “a major difference due to protein content—products are significantly tougher and drier with unbleached flour.” Another reason to use bleached flour is when you want a truly white color, like in a white cake.
Unbleached flour is better for sturdier baked goods, like yeast breads or pizza dough. Its higher protein content allows the yeast to rise and still support the structure of the dough.
If you prefer using only unbleached flour but want a lower-protein flour occasionally, you can create your own by substituting potato starch for 10 percent of the flour. (Source)
Trying to bake bread with bleached white flour will produce disastrous results.
As you can see above they now offer a wide variety of flours. The gluten-free section has gone from zero to decent as well. Clearly Culinaria’s management didn’t know what to stock early on. They’ve learned by listening to customer requests and seeing what sells.
Q: Thoughts on Culinaria (Downtown Schnucks grocery) – pick up to 3
Very convenient 68 [27.53%]
Right size 37 [14.98%]
Glad to have a pharmacy downtown 30 [12.15%]
I still miss the historic Century Building 28 [11.34%]
My primary grocery store 22 [8.91%]
My secondary grocery store 22 [8.91%]
Tried it once or twice, haven’t been back 9 [3.64%]
Other: 9 [3.64%]
Too small 7 [2.83%]
Not convenient 6 [2.43%]
I should give it a try again 5 [2.02%]
Unsure/no opinion 4 [1.62%]
The “other” answers provided by readers were:
More expensive
9pm is way too early to close.
Needs more space
It’s a good resource for downtown, despite the loss of the Century.
obnoxious checkers
poor selection
Stopped going after they doubled prizes of freshly made salads.
AHH! Subsidies. Free parking. Parking in front of store. No one got freebies
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