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ULI Competition Finalists Presentation on Friday

A few weeks ago the four finalists in the 2006 ULI Urban Design Competition were selected by the jury. I reviewed these on March 6th (read review). At the time I voiced my approval for the Berkley proposal and my complete shock at how un-urban the Columbia University proposal was.

This Friday all four teams will be in St. Louis to present their projects to the jury. Here is the official announcement:


Teams representing Columbia University, Harvard University (two), and the University of California, Berkeley have been selected as the finalists for the fourth annual ULI (Urban Land Institute) Gerald D. Hines Student Urban Design Competition. The finalist teams are charged with the design of a development site in the city of St. Louis. The competition is open to graduate students who are pursuing real estate-related studies at a North American university, including programs in real estate development, city planning, urban design, architecture and landscape architecture. The four finalists were chosen from 81 teams comprised of more than 400 students representing 30 universities in the U.S. and Canada. The competition is designed as an exercise; there is no guarantee that the students’ plans will be implemented as part of any development of the site.

This year’s competition site intersects with part of the proposed Chouteau Greenway, a development project spearheaded by McCormack Baron Salazar in St. Louis on behalf of a coalition of public and private sponsors in the city. It involves creating a greenway from Memorial Park on the Mississippi River westward to the city’s 1,300-acre Forest Park, over a course set to include 195 acres of public space and 2,000 acres of mixed-use redeveloped space adjoining the greenway.

The schedule for the final competition is as follows:

Friday, March 31, 2006

  • 8:30 am to 12:45 pm Team Presentations
  • 12:45 to 2:00pm Break
  • 2:00pm Announcement of Winner
  • Location:
    Pere Marquette Gallery
    Dubourg Hall
    Saint Louis University
    221 North Grand Blvd.

    Here’s the link to the website http://udcompetition.uli.org/.

    I’ll let you know Friday which team won the competition.

    – Steve


    CCBF REALTORS® Showcase Sunday April 2nd

    The Carondelet Community Betterment Foundation, better known as CCBF, is holding their annual REALTORS® Showcase this Sunday, April 2nd. CCBF, located at 6408 Michigan St. Louis, MO 63111 (map), is the starting point for tours of homes for sale. I will have a listing of mine open at 6600 Pennsylvania during the Showcase hours of 11am to 3pm (view MLS listing w/pictures).

    Carondelet is a great area with a wide variety of architecture. Plus, for those that think St. Louis is flat then you need to go for a walk in the area.

    Be sure to check out the grounds of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet. I don’t know if they will have the motherhouse open for tours on Sunday, most likely not. If you’ve not seen this stunning facility then you should check it on the first or third thursdays of the month at 10am. Reservation information is on their webpage linked above.

    Further south is the St. Boniface National Register Historic District.

    On a related note, the Dutchtown South Community Corporation (DSCC) is holding their “Discover Dutchtown Home Showcase.” on the last day in April. This real estate open house will be from 1pm to 4pm on Sunday April 30, 2006.

    – Steve


    Lafayette Walk On Preservation Board Agenda, Again!

    In February the Preservation Board meeting was a long one, lasting until 10:30pm after starting at 4pm. This month the agenda is much shorter but a the most controversial issue from last month is back once again: Lafayette Walk. More discussion of utilities and transoms over doors.

    Also of interest is a new cultural center to be built at 6166 Delmar in the ever expanding East Loop. This is on the site where a building collapsed a few years back during renovations as well as the renovation of the adjacent church as part of the project.

    Like last month the Preservation Board will review a case where an owner replaced windows (prohibited vinyl) in a house without a permit. People, if you do work please check to see if you need a building permit. If you live in a historic district please follow the rules or move somewhere else. The Cultural Resources staff has better things to do than chase down people installing cheap windows in historic districts without a permit!

    The Preservation Board will also look at a couple of cases of inappropriate fencing in a historic district. Once again, should be a fun one. This time I’m bringing water and munchies.

    – Steve


    Minutes from Hearing on McDonald’s Drive-Thru

    If, by chance, you are not sick of the McDonald’s issue yet I’ve go more for you. I have received a copy of the minutes of the meeting. This is not to be confused with a word for word transcript. Still, it gives you a good summary of those that spoke and their main points.

    Minutes (5 pages, PDF)

    And I have posted the letter of approval from the city on the drive-thru. Thankfully, Gravois Park residents have appealed this decision.

    Once I receive the audio cassette of the hearing I will digitize it and make it available as a series of MP3 files for all to hear. The next best thing to being there!

    Make no mistake, the Florida/Pyramid camp will likely stop at nothing to get there way over the objections of not only the immediate residents but all of us that consider this a critical area for St. Louis even though we don’t live within a few blocks of the area.

    The continued attempts by officials in this city to discount the opinions of myself and others simply because we are not in the direct path of a poor decision shows how limited their thinking really is. Florida talks a good game about the big picture but the only big picture plan for the area she willfully choosing to ignore.

    I am so over the “we need any development no matter how bad” mentality.

    – Steve


    Ald. Troupe and Planning & Urban Design Agency Teaming Up

    Recently 1st Ward Alderman Charles Quincy Troupe and Planning & Urban Design Agency Director Rollin Stanley presented concepts for a modern in-fill project near Union & Labadie. At the meeting Stanley said the project “would be simple, low maintenance and urban.” He described the project as “very modern.”

    It is nice to see an Alderman working with our talented planning staff as well as presenting ideas to the community before they are done deals.

    – Steve






