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Moonlight Ramble® Raises Thousands for Hosteling, But Where is the Hostel?

August 19, 2005 Events/Meetings 5 Comments

Since 1964 the Gateway Council of Hosteling International has held the “world’s oldest and largest night-time bike ride” known as the Moonlight Ramble®. For years the event has been a huge success attracting thousands of riders. This years ride is Saturday August 20th at midnight. But I’m not here to promote the ride. Instead, I’m questioning where the money has gone each year.

“The Gateway Council is the local branch of Hostelling International located at the corner of Big Bend and Clayton road in St. Louis. This office serves a region that includes Missouri, Northern Arkansas, Eastern Kansas, and Southern Illinois.

Recent history has seen the Gateway Council take its place as a leader among councils in the United States. Outdoor recreational programming has been and continues to be the strength of the local council. This strength lends recognition and vitality to the organization that now begins the task of adding a strong hostel and travel component to the mix.”

“Now begins the task of adding a strong hostel?”

WTF? The organization covers all of Missouri as well as parts of Arkansas, Kansas and Illinois and they are looking to add a hostel? That is right! This “hosteling” group that has been holding a major fundraiser for four decades has no hostel in its service area including major cities of St. Louis and Kansas City not to mention smaller cities like Springfield & Jefferson City, Missouri.

This is not to say we don’t have a hostel in St. Louis, we do. The Huckleberry Finn Youth Hostel is located at 1904-08 South 12th Street
Saint Louis, MO 63104 (314) 241-0076. Before I get people saying this hostel is part of Hosteling International or that it is closed let me set the record straight.

I called the Huck Finn hostel and spoke to a very friendly woman that gave me some insight on their operation. This hostel has been privately operated by Tom & Sheela Cochran for over 20 years. In 2005 they severed their association with Hosteling International. The hostel is dorm style with over 30 beds available for $20/night. A $5 key deposit is required. A kitchen is available if people want to cook their own meals. Most occupants arrive in St. Louis via Greyhound bus. As a result most are dependent upon our mass transit while in our area. Some, like a recent visitor from Japan, arrived via Amtrak with his bike. Another recent visitor was from Korea. I think it is fair to say that traveling youth often judge a city by its hostel.

What does it say that our Hosteling International Council operates a hugely successful annual fundraiser yet doesn’t operate a hostel? To me it says we’ve been suckered into supporting a ride with the impression that we’re supporting hosteling. In defense of the Gateway Council they do seem to appear to have a long list of local bike rides and hikes. Outdoor activities is certainly a part of the mission of Hosteling International.

Reading through the Gateway Council’s newsletter archives I found a number of references to a new hostel. All reference hoping to open a hostel by 2007. It appears attempts were made to purchase and renovate one of our many closed schools for a hostel. A 2003 annual report (page 2) says the national organization is not focusing on creating new hostels so the local group is on their own. I found one site on cheap places to say in the St. Louis area which said, “They have just signed a contract on a building in downtown St. Louis and hope to have a 100 bed, year-round facility close to Union Station by the spring of 2002.” So they’ve been trying to open a hostel for quite a few years?

Hostelling International is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit volunteer-based organization—meaning our special events, educational programs, and the Gateway Newsletter are undertaken completely by volunteers.

Volunteers? Well, not exactly. The current newsletter lists a number of staff members. Their office is located at 7012 Clayton Road, 63117. Their website has a link to donate which switches you to a site where you can see detail about the organization before you make a donation. This site and report is located here. It is quite telling.

At the end of their 2003 fiscal year (March 31, 2003) they were over $18,000 in the hole (liabilities vs assets). A year later they were ahead by over $6,000 with an annual profit of over $24,000. Not bad but certainly a long way away from building and operating a hostel. Unfortunately this site has not been updated with their financials for the year ending March 31, 2005. With numerous corporate sponsors and over 12,000 riders a year I’m baffled more money isn’t available to fund a hostel.

Registration this year is $25 for adults and $10 for children for probably at least $200,000 in registration fees. Corporate sponsors add another $20,000 to the take. Booth rentals bring in additional money.

I’ve only done the Moonlight Ramble® once and I have to say it was fun. Seeing that many bicyclists in one place is inspiring. So if you plan to do the ride I think you’ll enjoy doing so. Just don’t be fooled into thinking you are supporting a local hostel.

[UPDATE 9/20/05 @ 7:30AM – A couple of additional thoughts I didn’t mention above. Hostels are a key ingredient to local tourism. Collecting hotel tax on expensive hotel rooms is important to our tax base. Having a steady stream of young folks interested in using our mass transit and learning about out city cannot be ignored. These young people are potential students at our educational institutions and more importantly they are potential residents. Supporting a local hostel should be a priority to St. Louis.

I don’t know if this means helping the existing Huckleberry Finn Youth Hostel or aiding the Gateway Council of Hosteling International in acquiring and operating a new hostel. If the latter it is clear they will need to set up a capital campaign and hopefully earmark a portion of the funds raised from future Moonlight Rambles® to go into this fund rather than their general operating budget. This capital campaign may also require some corporate and foundation support. I’d like to see some assistance from the hotel community and the Convention & Visitor’s Commission.]

– Steve


The Real Link To The Downtown Gallery Walk

August 16, 2005 Events/Meetings 4 Comments

Last night I was looking up future St. Louis events and stumbled across a listing for the popular Downtown Gallery and Design Walk. This is one of my favorite events and if I am in town I make sure I’m downtown for all the fun.


The listing, shown at right, is from the St. Louis Convention & Visitor’s Commission website www.explorestlouis.com. What I found interesting was the website link for the event. Downtown Now!? What do they have do with it? If you go to their website you find zero information on events.

“Downtown Now! is a public/private partnership created in 1997 to develop a five-to-seven year action plan for revitalizing Downtown St. Louis, Missouri. The City of St. Louis officially adopted the Downtown Development Action Plan in December of 1999. The Action Plan comprises $1.5 billion in public/ private investment and identifies four focus areas for revitalization.”

The site has links to a proposal for connecting the Arch to downtown, Loft district guidelines and a downtown development plan. The latter has a whole section on the Old Post Office District which includes the following:

“The historic character of the area, the continuity of building faces on the street, and the need to enhance street level activity argues for careful siting of parking resources on other blocks not fronting the Old Post Office unless the parking is located below grade.” [source]

Read the plan — it is a good one. But when developers come calling and want to raze a historic building facing the Old Post Office the plan is conveniently ignored. What is the point of having people develop plans to be ignored?

But, back to the issue at hand. Downtown Now! is not the organizer of the Downtown Gallery and Design Walk. I don’t think they are trying to get credit for it either. I think the CVC made a mistake on their site. At least I hope that is the case. But given how interconnected the CVC, Downtown Now! and the Downtown St. Louis Partnership are this type of mistake is inexcusable. To it’s credit the Downtown St. Louis Partnership has the correct link on their site. What I do find annoying on the Partnership site is when you click on their “events” menu. You don’t get events starting in August 2005 and later. No, you get January 2005 events and you must scroll down to find current events. OK, not a huge deal but given their budget you’d think they’d be able to make it a little more user friendly.

And to set the record straight the Downtown Gallery & Design Walk is organized and promoted by the owners of the gallery and design business on the walk. No huge budget, no big time salaries. Just business owners promoting themselves. Information can be found here: www.downtowngallerywalk.com. The next Downtown Gallery & Design walk is Friday September 2, 2005.

– Steve


St. Louis Urban Sustainability Bike Tour 2005

August 13th 2005, 9:00 am until 1:00pm or 2:00pm
Free and open to anyone with a bicycle.

See innovative projects in the city addressing the ecological and social sustainability of food, housing, transportation, and recreation.

Meet others interested in sustainability in the city.

Get some excercise and explore the city.

About the stops:

We will see the use of natural building materials (earthen plaster and straw bale construction) for both new construction and gut rehab, as well as visit a 1/2 acre farm that supplies 13 households and local foodbanks with fresh local organic produce. The tour begins at a community center which provides free bicycles and bike repair classes to local children and ends at a greenway along the north riverfront which serves as a wildlife and recreation area as well as serving other ecological functions.

About the ride:

The ride itself will be a non-athletic, non-competetive ride of less than 15 miles. There will be four stops and a break for a snack / lunch. The tour begins at 9:00am at the Community Arts and Media Project (CAMP), located at the corner of Cherokee and Minnesota streets in South City (map it). The final stop will be at the Mary Meachum underground railway crossing along the Confluence Greenway Riverfront Trail. We will return to CAMP along the trail and pass through downtown near several MetroLink stops.

Other information:

Please bring a snack or light lunch and plenty of water. Parking near CAMP is limited, so if you intend to drive to the first stop, please consider spreading out along Cherokee St. There will be a bike mechanic accompanying us on the ride.

For more information:
andyandy at riseup.net
or (314) 776-1721


Rally for Peace April 13, 2007

I think we need to organize a rally for peace on Friday April 13, 2007. Why you ask? Simple, that is the opening date for the 2007 NRA Convention in St. Louis, according to today’s Post-Dispatch.

The NRA originally had planned to hold its 2007 convention in Columbus, Ohio, but it cancelled those plans soon after the Columbus City Council enacted a ban on certain assault weapons.

On second thought, maybe I’ll go out of town that weekend. I can just picture a car backfiring and thousands of NRA members pulling out their concealed weapons like a scene from the old West.

– Steve


Ride to Honor Memory of Killed Cyclist

July 29, 2005 Events/Meetings Comments Off on Ride to Honor Memory of Killed Cyclist

“The St. Louis cycling community will be riding in memory of Michael Katz Sunday, July 31. Michael was active in the cycling community and a passionate rider. He was struck and killed by a motorist Monday, July 25, on Olive Boulevard, near Pavillion Drive in Creve Coeur, MO. Michael was riding a recumbent.

Michael A. Katz, 65, was a longtime supporter of the Gateway Council of Hostelling International, member of the St. Louis Regional Bicycle Federation and Trailnet, and a regular on Belleville Area Bicycling and Eating Society rides. As recently as last weekend, Mike was an active volunteer on the Peach Pedal ride at Eckert’s in Belleville. The photo shown here is from the Cycle Across Missouri: An Excursion into Little Egypt ride in June. Mike also played a key role with the Turtles, which like the BABES is a loosely organized group affiliated with the Gateway Council.
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